17 | Faerie's Rest

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Kain returned to the Airlea just as the delivery boy arrived. After signing something for the dress merchant, he sent the boy on his way with a few extra coppers. It only took a call up to the deck for the others to lower a ramp. Even Kain would have difficulties climbing with the heavy boxes in hand.

Once aboard, he handed over the boxes. Rhode started towards the cabins after offering a word of thanks, whereas Dalphie dropped her box to the deck and instantly started rifling through its contents. Melitta stood to the side, amusement twisting her lips into a faint smile. As Kain studied her, however, he realized that she only seemed half-focused on the scene before her. Her brow was furrowed, and her eyes distracted. It was the same look she tended to wear when talking of Callias.

"Is he nearby?"

Melitta started, seemingly caught off guard by Kain's question. Her eyes focused in on him, her head tilting slightly to the side.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"Is Callias nearby?" he repeated.

She frowned, her attention drifting again. After a moment, she bit her lip. "I'm... not sure."

"It's perfect!"

Kain's back hit the ship railing as Dalphie nearly tackled him in excitement. Heat filled his cheeks as he struggled to beat back his rising embarrassment.

"That's... uh... I... you're welcome...?"

Dalphie giggled, releasing him. She returned to her box, hugging the dress to her chest. Kain couldn't help but feel a bit confused. He hadn't paid much attention to the dress itself, just choosing something on the pricier side that matched the sizes Dalphie had told him. Was there something special about what he'd chosen?

All thoughts fled his mind when she reached for the bottom of her tunic. His mouth gaped. Was she going to change right there?

"That's--" Rhode began, darting to Dalphie's side. "Why... how about..."

She leaned forward, whispering something into the siren's ear. Dalphie furrowed her brow, as if considering the words. Then, she shrugged and released her tunic. Within the second she'd picked up her box and started for the cabins.

"If you insist," she called over her shoulder. "I don't see what the big deal is, though. It's just a bit of skin, and it isn't as if he doesn't find me attractive."

Kain shut his mouth, face burning. Did she have to say it like that?

Melitta shook her head, her lips twisting up in just the slightest degree. Her change in expression jolted his mind back to their previous conversation, a thought which he latched onto. It was a much more welcome topic.

"You can't tell where Callias is?"

Melitta's expression closed off, her teeth touching her lip again. "It's... vague. Sort of fuzzy. I know he's in town, and the vague direction. But... there's nothing pulling me his way. There's no clear feeling to where he is. It's like..."

She trailed off, and Kain frowned. "Like something's blocking you?"

Melitta nodded. "Exactly."

How did one go about blocking a godly blessing between two merpeople? How would they even know something like that existed? It wasn't as if Melitta had gone around telling everyone about it. She'd only shared it with him to explain the reason for their course. Something about the situation didn't make sense, and he had a sinking feeling that it was a bad sign, whatever it was.

"Perhaps whatever it is will clear up by morning," he said, holding little hope that it would actually happen. "Until then, why don't you go change? I found somewhere for us to stay for the night."

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