26 | The Votanna

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She was nowhere.

No matter how many people Kain questioned, how many streets he and Melitta walked, they found nothing. If it wasn't for Melitta's insistence that she'd know if Callias left--as she was certain that whatever was blocking her had to be unique to Nokos--he might've thought the kidnappers and Iliana had left the city.

"There's always the Unseen Hand," Dalphie said over breakfast. "Or other, similar routes. Why should we assume that whomever did it is working in honest, easily visible ways? The crime rings exist for a reason."

Kain buttered his bread while turning the words over in careful thought. She wasn't wrong to point out their mistake in avoiding the darker aspect of Nokos. He hadn't been selective in who he questioned, but he had gone out of his way to avoid dangerous situations. That part of him that'd gone running into an alley to protect Mara refused to let Melitta walk into such a place at his side. What if he couldn't protect her?

"Crime rings?" Melitta questioned.

Amusement crept over Dalphie's features. "I sometimes forget how innocent you are, despite everything."

Melitta reddened as Dalphie drew herself up in her seat, then reached across the table for the handful of grapes left on the platter they'd been selecting from. Kain had been surprised when, upon sitting down, a server had asked them if they wanted a fruit tray for breakfast. The inn was nice, but he hadn't expected fresh fruit to be their go to breakfast for travelers. Whatever reason for the rich taste, it made Dalphie's explanation that much easier as she settled three grapes in front of Melitta.

"As you've no doubt realized, Eol's status as crime-free, and... prosperous is only on the surface level," Dalphie explained. "Beneath all the bureaucracy, there are three powers that control this country, and none of them are noble. At least, not in theory.

"The first would be the most popular. The Unseen Hand is known throughout all of Tarmae. After all, the idea of fighting against the corrupt, taking the laws into the public hands, and rebelling against the current monarchies is murmured world-wide. Eol just happens to be their base of operations, most likely because the crown guard is so corrupt that a single, whispered word and a gold coin can hide murder. The wolves have eliminated figures for even less than that, and are loved for it. "

Dalphie tapped a purple grape as she spoke, no doubt indicating that the piece of fruit was to represent the Hand.

"They were spoken of even in Reotak," Melitta offered, her eyes glued to Dalphie's fingers. "I heard stories... and had hope."

Dalphie smiled. "That's their superpower."

Her hand moved to a light green grape.

"The second would be Acis and his Spiders."

"Are they all animal based?" Rhode asked, curiosity coloring her expression. "Wolves, Spiders..."

"No," Dalphie replied, amused. "Acis is just... competitive. The Spiders are a mixture of assassins, thugs, and mercenaries. A strange grouping, to be certain. They deal in death, but refuse deals that handle slavery, drugs, and the like. As a result, Acis views the Hand as his direct competition--given that they're also criminals with morals."

He nearly snorted. Criminals and morals didn't quite line up in his mind. Dalphie shot him a smile full of amusement, as if she could read his thoughts, and found them hilarious.

"Don't be so quick to judge," she chided. "Not everyone chooses the darker paths because they've an interest in blood and chaos. Sometimes, it's a necessity, or even noble desire. Governments create laws, and sometimes, going outside the law is the most moral thing to do."

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