That picture is skew...

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Several extremely puzzling thoughts were running through my mind as I stood there staring at him-okay, the lower half of him. I mean, he was wearing the exact same underwear from my dream, how was that even possible?- I closed my eyes a few times and opened them again to make sure he was really there. I pinched my cheeks too, but he was still there. This wasn't a dream.

But why was he there? Was he really my new neighbor? Could such an insane coincidence really have taken place? Why was he doing home improvements in his underpants? And why in the middle of the night?-Inconsiderate!-I didn't even know where to begin my line of questioning, so I said the first thing that came to mind.

"That picture is skew," I said, pointing at the framed picture on the wall behind him.

Ben climbed down the ladder slowly and walked right up to me. He turned to face the wall and looked. "I believe you're right. Thanks."

He climbed back up the ladder and readjusted the picture-I'm not even going to even try and explain what Ben looks like when he climbs a ladder in his underwear - there are just no words in any dictionary, in any modern or ancient language that will do the spectacle justice.

Once he'd straightened the picture, he turned, sat on the top step, crossed his legs and looked at me as if he was totally unperturbed. As if he was somehow totally separate from reality and on his own weird wavelength. It was as if nothing about the current situation was even vaguely bizarre to him. I opened my mouth a few times to try and say something, but I just ended up staring at him as he pulled a cigarette out from behind his ear, lit it, took a drag and let the smoke tumble seductively out his mouth. I suddenly pictured this moment being captured by a photographer in black and white and hung in some French gallery for a whole bunch of wanky, pretentious people to admire and appreciate as modern art.

 I suddenly pictured this moment being captured by a photographer in black and white and hung in some French gallery for a whole bunch of wanky, pretentious people to admire and appreciate as modern art

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"You shouldn't smoke," I finally managed. "It's bad for you," I said this even though I was totally transfixed by it. It took the whole bad boy thing he had going on to an entirely different level.

"So they say," he said as he took the cigarette from his mouth and put it out on the top step of the ladder and stepped back down towards me.

"It's winter," I added. "You should put clothes on"-Another fricking stupid thing to say.

"Yes, Mom." He said as he again stepped towards me, prowling like a wild animal about to pounce. I had a momentary lapse in sanity when my eyes met his, my mouth opened and a little breathy sound came out.

Snap out of it!

"Okay. Stop. Stop right there. Stop that walking-or whatever that is-that you're doing-immediately." I pointed at him.

He stopped and smiled.."Yes, M'am."

"Ahhhhh," I gasped out loud and slapped my hands over my mouth in total shock-he'd said that in my dream too. Maybe Vampira was onto something here, that he was indeed a vampire-person-thing with supernatural powers able to manipulate my dreams.

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