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"Oh God," I moaned loudly. "I don't think I can breathe." I was pulling at my dress, trying to make some space between it and my skin. The three dessert courses, which I'd polished off—I had practically licked the bowl—were taking their toll, especially on the already too-tight dress. Ben smiled as I lowered myself onto the couch with great difficulty and the grace of a large walrus.

"No, I'm being serious," I urged. "I don't think I can breathe," I grabbed at my ribs, which felt like they were being crushed. "Unzip me, please." I tried to roll over, it was very ungraceful.

Ben jumped up, and immediately went to work on the back of my dress. I sighed loudly as he unzipped me and I could suddenly breathe again. My stomach also finally had the space it needed to pop out.

"So Victorian of you, Sera," Ben said as he dragged his fingertips over my exposed back.

"Soon I'll be getting out the smelling salts when you have a fit of the vapors." He lowered his lips to the back of my neck and kissed me, moving across my shoulders.

"Or not." His voice dripped with sex. "Maybe I won't resuscitate you and just have my way with you instead." His kisses moved back to my neck and then started creeping down my spine.

"That's pretty pervy," I whispered. It was hard to talk with the whole tingly, kissy thing happening on my back.

"I can be very pervy, Sera. Just wait and see." He had a smile in his voice, but it almost sounded like a threat—a threat I hoped he would carry out. "So what do you want to do now? I thought we could go out, have a few drinks, hit the dance floor. I want to show you off publically?"

"Mmmm." I said, almost thinking out loud. I did like a good dance, and images of that first time Ben and I danced together flooded my mind. I also liked the idea of being out publically with him on my arm. "Why not!" I said. "As long as I can change out of this dress." I got up, holding the dress up so it wouldn't fall down.

"Will you wear that blue sequined thing again?"

"Absolutely not." I said. Then I smiled at him and walked out.


An hour later we were deposited at the bar area of one of Jo'burgs trendiest clubs—in the non-cool-non-trendy sense. It was a place crawling with creatives from the film, advertising and art industries. To be honest, places like this always left me feeling uneasy, a less- than outsider. People walked around in clothes that cost more than my entire wardrobe, clothes that ironically were designed to look old and second-hand as if the wearer didn't care what they wore (only, they all cared very deeply)—Why buy new clothes that look that old?

Ben had lined some shots of Tequila across the countertop—I hate Tequila.

"Well." Ben held up a shot. "To us, on our first date." I smiled at him, as he threw one down and bit into the obligatory lemon—a custom which makes the whole hideous experience...well...even more hideous than it needs to be. I scrunched up my face as I threw one back, grabbing a glass of water to try and wash it down without gagging—Did I mention I hated Tequila? Ben laughed at me and pushed another one my way.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?" I asked, noting the bad boy look plastered across his face.

"Of course. And then I plan on taking total advantage of you."

"Maybe I'll be the one taking advantage, Ben," I said it in the sultriest voice I could muster before I threw back yet another shot. "Aren't you having another one?" I said and pointed at the last one on the counter top.

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