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It's too easy to love the ones who don't love us back.

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He was uncertain as to why he was here.

Shivering underneath his coat, he contemplated on whether if he should ring the door bell, or get the hell out of there.

The cold snow had fallen on his hair, his clothes, and yet he did nothing but rock back and forth, eyeing the decorated door.

This place.

It was home.

But he wasn't entirely sure if he would be welcomed here anymore.

Hell, he didn't want to come back here, but it was Christmas, and he was...


He heard cheerful giggles from inside, and a frown settled on his features.

He didn't belong here.

He didn't deserve to be here.

Releasing a sigh, he took a few steps backwards, and almost slipped on the icy stairs.

But just as he was about to reach his car, he heard his name.


Spinning around quickly his eyes widened once it met the familiar warmness of another pair of brown eyes.

"Uh...hi, Uncle Lucas."

Shifting on his feet, Tony trailed his eyes down to the floor in shame.

"I was just about to leave," he added, nodding at the man, and turning around.

"You didn't miss your old man?" His tone was sad, yet in the same time welcoming.

Tony Stark was confused.

Didn't he know what happened with him and his daughter?

Tony gave him a sympathetic stare, and was still adamant on turning around and spending his Christmas night alone, like he deserved.

"Come here, son."

And to Stark's shock, the old man opened his arms, letting out a gasp from the billionaire.

Giving in, he wrapped his arms around his father figure and sighed.

"I would punch the crap out of you if I didn't promise Howard that I'd take care of you," Lucas Ross chuckled, remembering his best friend was a still sore subject for him even if he convinced himself that it wasn't.

Tony winced, and broke the hug almost immediately.

So he did know.

Lucas managed to give him a small grin because even though he hurt his daughter, Lucas had always seen Tony as a son too.

Much like Tony seeing him as a father.

Evelyn • Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now