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One day he will understand how valuable you are, but by then you will be married to the man who already knew.

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1 7  Y E A R S  A G O

Evelyn's glossy eyes were set on the road, and the road only.

Her heart was hammering in her chest, thumping loudly with every thought, and every doubt that crossed her haunted mind.

Madison was whispering to Danielle in the backseat, something about leaving Evelyn alone for the moment.

Leon and Carter felt extremely guilty for Evelyn's state, because somehow they knew it was their fault.

If only they hadn't introduced her to him, she wouldn't be feeling like that right now.

The car was silent in every way, the only audible sound in the room was the sound of the uncomfortable shifting of Carter.

A strangled cry left Evelyn's throat, and she hated how her night ended.

Her make up was ruined, and as she eyed her reflection in the window of the car, she hated herself even more for changing herself.

She shouldn't have gone to that party, she shouldn't have put on make up.

At least not to impress some guy who was only interested in what's between her legs.

She wondered if such skilled liars were really living amongst her.

I love you.

You are worth the world Evelyn.

You mean everything to me.

Her heart broke a little at the foreign yet very familiar conversations.

He had fooled her.

He had finally gotten 'Evelyn Ross'.

Evelyn Ross.

She had never hated her wealth more, she hated that she was born rich.

She hated that she was born 'perfect'.

No one wanted to get to know the real her.

The girl behind all that money, the girl behind the photos.

They all wanted to use her for their own advantage, and she was quite thankful to have found her friends in that moment.

None of them were as rich as her, except Madison, but they still loved her for the person she grew up to be.

They loved her for her, and that's all she had ever wished for.

"Thanks for the ride, Leon." She mumbled, opening the door to the passengers seat.

"Hey, hey. Eve?"


"I'm sorry about what that dick said about you. If I had known I wouldn't have-"

Evelyn • Tony Starkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें