When I Finally Found My Mate

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I woke up with the sunlight peeking through my light blue curtains telling me that a new day had started. Doing my daily exercises and then taking a bath. I started to drink some coffee with milk and sugar.

"Sophia why do we have to get up so early everyday?" Thora my inner cat said.

"Thora, you lazy cat, you know we have to keep our body built so we can fight off the animals when we shift into your form and for our job."

"Oh about our job." Thora snickered in my head "I set the alarm for 5: 30 while you were asleep, so you better hurry up or we going to be late..."

"THORA!? I told you several times NOT to control my body when I am asleep!"

"Hehe sorry....."

I looked at the clock- 6'O Clock

"WHAT THE HELL!? I GOT TO BE THERE BY 7:00!" I screamed.

I madly dashed around my apartment trying to get ready by putting on a long sleeve white button down shirt and a black pencil skirt. By the time I was ready it was already 6:45 so I quickly grabbed my keys, locked my apartment, hopped down the stairs and jumped into my car

When I got there I checked my make up and got out of the car. I walked into The Anderson Corporation of Finances Building smelling a lot of humans but a hint of werewolves. I became scared of the thought of werewolves here and almost turned around.

"There is no way we are going to run away just because of a bunch of  dogs are here and after all of those late nights studying for this stupid dream job of yours!!!!" Thora said forcing my legs to walk.

I took the elevator noticing that the higher I went up the smell of wolves became more noticeable and the more vulnerable I felt.

"Hello. Uh-um.. I am Sophia Gonzalez and I am here to be the Secretary for Mr. Anderson," I told the middle aged lady at the front desk.
I knew that she knew that I was a were-cat because she was weary of me. She looked at me with pity for a flash second and then called Mr. Anderson to ask him if I could go in.

She put the phone down and said,"Miss. Gonzalez you may go in now."

I open the door to Mr. Anderson's office and just as it creaked open I sensed the smell of an Alpha wolf. 


"What the hell are you talking ab---!?"

Before I could even say anything else a strong large hand grabbed my arm, spun me around, slammed the door behind me and pushed my arms against the wall.

Electricity was unleashed through my entire body and I heard a rough deep but beautiful voice say "MINE.."

"P-pl-please c-can y-you g-get off?" I said my legs gave out so bad that he was the one holding me up right.

"No.."he said sniffing and licking every curve on my neck. I trembled even more, sweating with embarrassment.

He chuckled, his warm breath tickling my skin, "Well that's enough...for now."

Then he walked back to his desk. I fell on the floor sweating with embarrassment and my face as red as a raspberry. I was half relieved but half disappointed.

I looked up.

And saw the most handsome man on earth.

Hey guys sorry just so y'all know won't be updating until I start feeling bad. Lol just kidding no I really don't know when I will update but I will try to when I can. Love you all!X O X O!!!

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