My Mate is My Boss!?

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Writers P.O.V.
Sophia was on the ground leaning on the wall trembling with shock, excitement, embarrassment and confusion. While her mate was sitting behind his chestnut brown desk with a file of her on it, cool as ever.

Sophia's P.O.V.

I looked up at him with his full lips in a sexy smirk and his cool but kind looking demeanor. His hair was dark brown and it was so soft and fluffy looking, I so wanted to play with it all day.

I, his mate, was trying my best to get up but he just sat there looking at me like I was an idiot.

"You caused this you dumbo," I murmured to myself.

"What was that?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing," I chuckle nervously as I stumbled over to the seat in front of his desk.

I have to remember that this person is also my Boss. Wait!? What!? He is my mate and also my Boss!? I knew that but I never really thought about it until now.....

"SOPHIA!" Mr. Anderson screamed at me.

I jumped, "YES SIR!"I exclaimed back with a salute, while I sat in the chair..

He looked at me with shock and then amusement in his eyes, "What are you doing? I am not your drill sergeant."

I put my hand down on my lap, looking down in embarrassment and shame, "Y-yes sir... "

He gazed at me for a moment, his eyes scanning me for what felt like any sign of weakness. His gaze made me tremble, and he smirked as a glint in his eyes came about. He walked around to the front of his desk, half-sat on it and folded his arms looking down at me. I twitched under his gaze, looking down at my feet.

He put on a smile, leaned down close to my face, lifted my chin with one finger making me face him and said, "Unless you want me to?"

I looked away too pressured under his gaze and embarrassed because his face was so close and said, "S-sure?"

"Good," He said stepping back and walking behind his desk. I looked at the air that he once had been at, bewildered at the answer I had given.

I looked back at him while he pulled out a huge stack of papers and he said, "Now I need you to do all of this before I walk out the door by the end of the day. Or else you won't get a reward."

"W-WHAT!?" I exclaimed.

"Oh you still don't get it? I guess I will have to give you an example of the reward," he said.

He walked over to me again and put his hands on both sides of the arms of the chair to make sure I couldn't get away. Sliding his leg between my legs he leaned in and nibbled my bottom lip making me gasp. He took the opportunity and slid his tongue in shocking me.

I-I can't explain what it felt like it was just so amazing. It was sending so many sparks throughout my body, paralyzing me. Then as soon as they appeared, they disappeared and when I opened my eyes, he was gone out the door, leaving me with a stupid bunch of papers!


-30 minutes later-

"ARRRRRGGHHHH!!!!! I hate him!!!!" I screamed in frustration at how I was tricked by him 3 or maybe 4 times and at how I couldn't seem to focus on my work because he kept popping up in my mind.

"But you can't say you didn't like what he was doing."

"Thora what are you talking about?"

"Oh not going to admit it are you? Oh well I guess I will just talk about how his black brownish hair was so soft and his hands so warm and large and......."

"GAHHHH!! Stop okay! If you do that I won't be able to work!"

"Is that because he will give you a reward?"


"Then why are you doing the work?"

"B-because if I don't I might get fired."

"Yeah, right like he would fire his own mate but sure we'll go with that answer."

"THIS IS NOT EVEN SECRETARY WORK! THAT BASTERED OF A MATE!" I screamed slamming my fists on my desk.
Thank you guys for getting this far! Please hang in with me since I am not very experienced in writing. Either way please vote comment (plz don't be too harsh on me with your comments) love you all!!!X O X O

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