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Harper's P.O.V

Alex is avoiding me. Whenever I see her walking down the hall she turns and walks the other way. Even in the gym for practice she doesn't look at me and doesn't talk to me when Laur and Chel are talking to me. Why is she avoiding me?

Hey Laur?"

"Yea Harp?"

"Why is Lex avoiding me?" I ask causing her to give me a sad smile.

"Just be patient Harp I'm working on it." She says. Before I could reply its time for practice to start.

After practice I go into the locker room and find Lex on the phone with a scarred look on her face. She sees me and tells whoever she is talking to that she has to go and will be home in half an hour. I try to talk to her but she just says shes sorry she has to go. What's going on with her? I thought she liked me? Laur said she does so why is she avoiding me?

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