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The sky is pouring down rain by the time we make it to my doorstep and Chase's jacket is bigger on me than I thought. It seems to fit him really well, but now that it's off and I can see his toned arms, I realize he just fills it out well. It pisses me off that I can smell his cologne with every step I take, but what's worse is that I don't hate the scent.

"Do you want your jacket back?" I ask him once we're under the safety of my porch. Both of our curly heads are soaked and water drips off his nose so effortlessly that it makes me want to scream.

But Chase just shrugs with a smile. "You can bring it back another time. I have plenty." I roll my eyes and then he asks, "Do you have any plans right now?"

I glance upwards at the dark sky and then at my phone before I decide eight PM is late enough to go pick up my little sister. I let Chase know I have plans but he insists on tagging along, and after attempting to turn him down three times, I finally cave and open up my passenger door for him.

"I can't even drive?" he asks from outside the passenger door.

I glare at him from across the top of my car. "Don't push it, Matthews."

He chuckles before hopping into the seat and shutting the door. I enter and make sure both of our seatbelts are on before revving the engine and heading to Aunt Monique's house. The ride is longer than what Chase and I are used to, estimating about thirty minutes until we arrive. The first half is uncomfortably quiet and I can't decide whether or not it's because of our dangerously flirtatious behavior earlier.

"So," Chase catches my attention, talking over the soft music. "Where are we going?"

"Phoenix. We're almost there, just fifteen-twenty more minutes."

"Is this aunt on your mom's side or dad's side?"

Hearing someone even mention my dad makes me shudder in anger. "My mom's."

"That's good. Is she nice?"

"She's my aunt," I answer plainly. "I guess so."

He just nods and shrinks back into his seat. I try not to be upset with him over something neither one of us can control, but it's difficult to even figure out what I'm mad at him for. Am I upset that society says he wouldn't like someone like me? Or am I upset that he just doesn't like me? Why would I be mad over that? I don't like him back, so what is it then? The attention?

"Oh, um," Chase says, "I think you missed the exit."

I glance at the GPS and curse under my breath when I realize he's right. Then the app re-routes me and I slide over to the next closest exit, following the new route closely. An Applebees passes by and I can't help but feel reminded of Chase even though he's sitting right next to me. He looks over at me, though, and I do everything in my power to avoid meeting his eyes. I just want to get Naomi and get out so that he can leave me alone for the rest of the weekend and give me some time to think.

Finally, after a few more minutes of driving, we make it to my aunt's house where the porch lights are shining obnoxiously. Chase steps out of the car first, as soon as I turn it off, and makes his way over to my car door but I exit before he can open it for me. He accompanies me to the front door and I knock, waiting for my aunt to open it up for us. She swings the door open instantly, practically shoving Naomi into my arms.

"Hey, sweetie," she says with excitement, mostly from not having to deal with Naomi anymore. "How was the drive?"

Chase immediately handles Naomi, who is oddly excited to see him. He gives her a hug before picking her up and taking her to the car and I do admit—it's kind of hot.

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