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It's like every time Chase and I are on good terms, someone wants to throw a wrench in our relationship. Whether that's Anna, Isaac, or even Miles—for some reason, Chase and I can't be happy, even if just for pretend.

Today, my issue is with Miles. Usually, I'm happy to see his darling brown eyes and entrancing smile, but today he approaches me during our lunch hour when I'm just trying to enjoy the dryest spicy chicken sandwich I've ever tasted. His jeans are dark and fit him too well and his sports jacket is stylish, though I can't recall him actually playing any sports here. Then again, I could see him being a club basketball kind of guy.

"Michelle Adams," he announces to me as he pulls up a chair right beside me. My name on his tongue is undeniably attractive, though I can't shake the feeling of discomfort. I've been calling Chase by his full name this entire time but it never occurred to me how weird it sounds hearing your own full name in someone else's mouth. It's weird.

"Hi, Miles," I greet him with a smile and without any stuttering, catching myself by surprise. I never thought I'd be able to speak with him so casually, but I guess his odd desire to talk to me so often recently has begun to rub off on me somehow. 

"What are you up to today?" he asks sweetly with his elbows on the lunch table and his chin resting on his hands. I feel my chest start to thump when he makes direct eye contact with me, giving me a soft side smile. 

"Um," I start to stutter—it was only a matter of time. "Nothing, really. Just homework, why?"

"There's another test in calculus coming up," he explains. "Would you mind studying together?"

I smile at him, wanting so badly to be able to spend time with him. But if I agree to hang out just the two of us, there's no way of telling how far I'll go under his spell. "I don't know, my mom might need my help at the house."

He tilts his head. "I could really use your guidance." I'm about to respond when he adds, "And company."

My face practically melts at the sound of his soft voice and I find it harder and harder to say no to him. I want to help him out, especially since Mrs. Leon isn't exactly the most secretive about who is and isn't doing well in her class—I'm not sure if that's perfectly legal or not—but last time we even thought about spending time together, he tried to tell me to break things off with Chase and then tried to kiss me. And when I turned him down, he came up to me a few days later and asked for my number. Persistence can be attractive, but not when I'm trying to win a game here.

"I'll let you know," I tell him, hoping he'll drop it and take off the unnecessary stress of having to juggle my real feelings for him and my fake feelings for Chase. 

"You'll need my number for that," he responds quickly, finally catching me at a crossroads. I just sigh and give in, taking out my phone and handing it to him. It comes off as annoyed, probably, but the banging in my chest is feeling anything but annoyed.

"I didn't know it was that easy," he teases me with a smile as he types his number into my phone. "I'll text you tonight, okay?"

I nod with a warm smile as he walks away and I try to avoid staring at him too much. After all, I don't want another scandal going around about mine and Chase's relationship—especially now that Anna is back from suspension. One wrong move and she's out to get me yet again, and after the way my mom reacted last time, I really don't wish that upon myself again.

Suddenly, I get a text message, half expecting it to be Miles. But when I open my messages, Isaac's name pops up.

isaac: mich i just lost my virginity

Okay, so, not exactly the text I imagined receiving from him at one in the afternoon on a Monday. 

Care to elaborate??

The Dating GameHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin