Personal Identity

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Personal identity has been discussed since the beginning of Western philosophy. Modern Therianthropy is an identity phenomenon categorized by a deep integral, personal belief that an individual is to some degree non-human. This animal identification can be instead of or in addition to a human identification. Therianthropes fully acknowledge that they have a human body, but the physical body and appearance are not the only factors for identification.

Therians come from a wide variety of backgrounds, cultures, religions, and spiritualities, including atheism. Some Therians explain their identities through spiritual reasons. Other Therians explain their self-identification as an animal in terms of neurobiological or psychological processes related to identity formation. Modern Therianthropy is also referred to as an ontological phenomenon because we are seeking to understand and explain our existence and why we don't feel completely human.

 "Therianthropy is thought by some to be present from birth or acquired in very early childhood because most Therians do not have a memory of ever having not been Therians ( though there may have been a period of not recognizing the nature of their therianthropy)." 
- Therian Timeline  

Intro to Modern Therianthropy as a Personal IdentityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora