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Happy birthday to me, Cobie sings to himself. It's four in the morning and Cobie was sitting on the grass at the back of the pack house. He had laid a blanket on the ground, to keep the damp grass from touching his bum. He has on a pair of jeans and a neon blue jumper, his hair was styled into his normal fringe and resting on his eyelids. He really needs a haircut.

Just like every year, Cobie's phone rang when it was four thirty. He stared at the phone as it buzzes once. It was a restricted number so he had to be cautious. The phone rings again and cuts off, it does this one more time and Cobie smiled. The next time it rang, he picks it.

"Hey C."

"Someone's getting old."

Cobie laughed, his head falling back so he could stare at the sky. "I don't feel any different."

"Yeah but the grey hairs will start sprouting." The person says and Cobie laughed. "Hey, Pa's with me."

"C, it's too early, he should be asleep."

The line falls silent and there's a sound of movement and then someone says. "My little rainbow."

The tears rushed forward and down his face. Cobie hadn't even known how much he had really missed this voice till he had heard it. He sniffed and tried to wipe his tears off with his free hand but they just kept rushing out.


"Rainbow, my little boy."

"Pa, I'm not little. I'm 25." Cobie sniffs, a watery smile on his face.

"Happy birthday, little one."


"Take care of yourself, we'll see you soon, alright?"

"I promise."

There's another scratchy sound and then a familiar voice is back on. "It's really cold here and Pa's shaking, yes pa- I can see you." Cobie laughed. "Stay safe yeah and have fun today."

"I'll try. Have fun today too! You're 25."

"I will! Love you, Rainbow."

Cobie laughed, his tears still sliding down his face. "Love you, C."

The call ends after that and Cobie lets the phone drop to the grass. He sighed as he stared at the sky that was starting to lighten up. Even after all these years it still sucked, it still hurts just as much. He hums as he stared at the sky, not sure of what to do. He had never celebrated his birthday, all he did was watch a new series and ordered pizza and chicken wings. He stays out there for an hour before getting up, he grabs his blanket and made his way inside. He was halfway up the stars when Erik walked down the hallway. Cobie gives the Alpha a shy wave.


"Good morning to you too." Erik said. The Alpha walked closer and wrapped his hands around Cobie. "Happy birthday, Precious."

"Happy birthday to you too, Erik." Cobie replies, burying his nose in Erik's chest. Cobie would never understand why the man never wore a shirt to sleep. Maybe that's what he should get Erik as a birthday gift.

Erik pressed a kiss to Cobie's hair and pulls back. He cups Cobie's cheeks and locked eyes with him. "Why are you up so early? Were you crying?" Erik asked, bending a little so he could make sure he was seeing the right thing and yes, Cobie had been crying. His lashes were clumped together and his eyes were rimmed red. "Did something happen? Is something wrong?"

Cobie shook his head. "I'm fine." The vet knew he had been saying this a lot and he knew that Erik doubted he was really okay but what else could he say?

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