(O/S) Kiibo x Self-aware! Defensive! Reader

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Requested by @fandomtrash179. Please enjoy! ((Also this is after they wake up from the first flashback light where they're given their personalities and stuff)).
Fic title: Feels Trip


I don't remember exactly what happened. Just that I came out of a locker in a room.
It was oddly familiar.
"Wait a second... hold on..." I mumbled to no-one in particular. I spun around, trying to get a good look at the musky room I was in. Lots of barbed wire on the windows... desks? Was this a school?
It was far too dusty to be a normal school.
"Wait..." I paused and took a deep breath. It struck me like a bullet. "Oh my God!"
Danganronpa V3. This had to be a joke. A prank. The game had just come out and I hadn't even beaten chapter one! Would there be spoilers? Why was I asking that?! I was in a killing game! Or was I?
Millions of questions raced through my mind, my train of thought being abruptly stopped when a cold hand rested on my shoulder.
"A-Are you trapped too?"
I spun around to see the white hair of Kiibo. Wait, Kiibo?! So this really was a killing game... His blue eyes were staring at me, filled with anxiety and concern
"Hands off!" I snapped, flinching away. "You could be... A killer..."
"I swear I'm not!" He raised his hands defensively, taking a pace back. "I was kidnapped, just like you!"
I stared at him with dull eyes. Oh God, he was real! But he could be a killer. But he was real.
"I... didn't catch your name?" He prompted, barely cracking the ice.
"Oh, right... um... Why should I tell you? You give me your name first!"
He sighed before saying, "Okay, if it helps... I'm K1-B0 or Kiibo for short. I'm the SHSL Robot."
My breath hitched in my throat before I forced a smile. "Well, I'm Y/N L/N, the SHSL... um..." I hadn't thought this far. I felt panic set in as the robot gave me a confused look. "Y/T! Yup, the SHSL Y/T. Let's leave it at that for now."
He seemed almost disappointed.
Now, I'd played Danganronpa and SDR2 and there was one thing I knew for certain; whichever characters you got attached dies every game without fail.
Without waiting for the robot I slunk out. I'd beaten the prologue, so I knew my way around quite well.
"Gee, Y/N, you sure know your way around..."
"That's fair."
I burst into the gym, and I couldn't help but feel the ghost of a smile on my face. I hadn't played the game, but the fact that these character - the people - were real blew my mind. I sheepishly stalked into the corner, and watched the vngs unfold.
I wished I could skip dialogue, despite the fact that their voices were on point.
Kiibo backed away slowly from the monokubs and Monokuma as they began belting out the whole killing game thing. Part of me was wondering if Fuyuhiko would show up. Or Maizano. Or—
"Y/N, are you hearing this?!"
"We have to kill eachother?" Faking a sudden surprise.
It was at that moment it occurred to me I had to stick to one personality. A fake one. An interesting one.  Interesting characters don't get killed off too quickly. Since I had to be consistent, I made my decision.
Defensive. Sassy. Borderline rude, but not quite.
I guess it was time to play into that facade.
"Y/N? Are you—"
"Go away!" I whipped my head away from him. People were already leaving the gym. "Jeez, you're so clingy."

Kiibo's POV

"Jeez, you're so clingy."
I stood, stunned for a moment. She was already gone.
"Sorry." I said to no-one in particular. I said it again, "Sorry."
After what felt like hours of standing there in the gym staring at the exit, waiting for something - anything - to happen, I took in a deep breath. I had to adapt and move forward. Nobody would kill anybody. Even if we died because of the first blood perk, nobody would kill anybody.
I pushed my way out of the gym.
Y/N, she had an interesting talent. I was so eager to find out about who she was, where she came from, but she just seemed like a closed book. Like a diary that had been triple padlocked with the key thrown into the ocean.
She wasn't in the courtyard. She wasn't in the dining hall. Or the game room. Or the dormitory.
The library - she was in the library.
She had her nose in a book, propped up against a bookcase. She didn't even acknowledge my presence, even though I'd hardly been quiet when I walked in.
She was furiously glaring at her book.
"Hey, Y/N, I just..." I trailed off, not really sure how to read the ice. I grabbed a random book from the shelf, "I'll just... y'know... read and stuff..."
I sat down with crossed legs and read for hours. She didn't leave. Neither of us spoke. For a second I forgot we were in a killing game.
I really hoped she didn't die.

Massive timeskip brought to you by the author's laziness. Also, obviously this next bit isn't canon.


I had to do it. I had to commit the first murder.
The curiosity was overwhelming. If I died in a game would I wake up and still be on my bed trying to beat the first class trial? As much as I'd love to get to know these characters, it's their game. Their story. Not mine.
So I stole Kaede's plan for murder. I did it before she and Shuichi investigated the secret door; in fact Shuichi only told her as I was leaving the library.
Rantaro died. His corpse looked strangely nostalgic, like a reoccurring nightmare that you get so much that the fear and pain just isn't present.
I honestly wasn't planning to get past Shuichi and the others. My closing argument was honestly me just attempting to confess.
Only Shuichi wasn't the one refuting me.
Kiibo was.
He just refused to believe it. He said that I was a good person. That him and I could be good friends.
That I'd never commit murder.
When the votes were cast and I was convicted, Kiibo broke. Literally, he crashed and said how if he could cry he'd be bawling. He kept asking me why.
"I can't tell you, Kiibo."
And I was dragged off to execution.
But I did leave a note. In the game room, where I was hoping KIibo would someday find it.
You're probably wondering how I lived to tell the tale, huh? That's fair; I'd be just as skeptical.
When I was brutally punished, I felt blackness consume me. Something heavy and cold was weighing on my face. Metal. Goggles.
A speaker boomed overhead of me.
"Thank you for participating in the 'Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony' Killing Game Simulator! Please make your way to the reception and remember that you can watch your friends compete live in mutual, peaceful, killing game fun."
Oh yeah.
Rantaro was waiting outside. He looked like he had fun.
I forgot that V3 was a custom VR killing game which you could play with your friends. A peaceful alternative to actual killings.
I made a decision - I'd text Kiibo when he came out of it.

Three weeks. Kiibo'd been in there for three weeks. During those passing three weeks more and more of my friends had came from the simulator to my place to watch the remaining students play the game. It was hilarious to watch people worry when you remembered everything.When Kiibo came out after sacrificing himself, he walked through my front door. I tackle-hugged him, and kissed him. We'd dated before the simulator. I truly had my boyfriend back.
"That was so fun!" Kokichi giggled. "We should do that again sometime. Ooh, I wonder if we could get Kiibo and Y/N to hook up during the next game?"

Word count - 1364

I feel like this was really on the nose at the end and the reader was badly written but eh I tried I'm sorry ;-;

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