(O/S) Human! Monokuma x Reader

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EDIT: See final chapter
Gender neutral pronouns used. Set in the V3 universe. Major spoilers! Enjoy!
Fic title: Nightly Nuisances.


Being stuck in a school with a bunch of potential serial killers was obviously taking a toll on my mental health. This, of course, was not okay. If I snapped, I'd most likely die.
Then again, even if I didn't, I would most likely die.
I decided to stay up with a pot of coffee and play video games. Keep my mind off of things.
I walked down the shady corridors, constantly snatching glances behind me in case I was being followed.
Each breath could be my last.
I heard footsteps and stopped breathing.
I shakily turned around.
Oh, son of a—
"Naww, can pretty little Y/N not sleep or something?" The demonic host of this game himself, Monokuma, showed up in all of his despairing glory.
"Yeah, no shit I can't sleep!" I retorted as bravely as I could muster. "Leave me alone, you freak."
"Come on, I just wanna lend a paw!"
"We get it, Monokuma, you're a furry."
He frowned like he was a small child and tugged on his monochrome bear hoodie. "I am not—"
"Save your breath."
I kept walking and tried to ignore Monokuma's words in that unique voice of his.
By the time I reached the game room door, I realised that it was locked.
"Monokuma, can you—?"
"I'll open it if you kiss me."
"Wait what?"
"Ha ha, nothing."
"Did you just say—?"
Click! The door opened and I made my way towards the DDR machine.
I put in a coin and tapped my foot as I waited for it to load up.
I heard the clunk of a coin being slot into the machine next to me.
"What? Can't play DDR alone. I mean, that's just sad." Monokuma declared.
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arm. "Fine. Winner has to buy the other a Panta tomorrow."
"It's a date."
"A what?"
"A deal. It's a deal."
"Oh right. It's on."
Okay, just because I lost doesn't make Monokuma better than me. It just makes me mildly impressed.
Monokuma, being Monokuma, made a lot of jokes about death. About Kaede specifically.
"Monokuma, would you mind if I asked you why you do this? These games?"
"Dunno. They're fun. Look me in the eyes and tell me that it's not fun or exciting."
I locked eyes with him and realised that, as much as I hated to admit it, I was having a decent amount of fun.
"Whatever. You're right. I'm wrong. Big deal." I stood up, and went to walk away. "I'm probably going to die either way, so I might as well make the most of this experience."
I walked out of the door.
"Y/N, I love you."
"What was that, Monokuma?"
I deep down hoped that he said what I thought he said.
Yeah, I liked that stupid furry. So what?
...I would probably die anyway...

Monokuma's POV

Y/N may have had to have been blind and stupid not to notice my advances, but I supposed that we all had flaws. They had a mild tendency to be oblivious and I just had to be the host to a worldwide show about killing people.
So there was that.
Monotaro walked past me as I began organising the motive videos with Tsumugi. I took one look at the SHSL Cosplayer and I understood that I would never truly be close with her and that the only chance I have to break free of this game with Y/N is to get rid of her.
"Monotaro." I stated to the redhead.
"Just wanted to let you know," I said, passing him the motive videos I had put together, "That if Y/N becomes the blackened we have to lie."
"Shush, young cub. All will be explained."

Shuichi was a lot of bad things (boring, emotional, and odd to name a few) but he was not lazy. When Ryoma was found dead and Y/N found guilty, I knew I had to do something, anything, to stop them from being declared the blackened.
There was a pretty split opinion that it could either be Kirumi and Y/N, but instead of starting a scrum debate, I had an idea which would please Y/N and the rabid fans of the Danganronpa franchise.
"Ladies and gentleman of the world, I wish to interrupt this class trial with a small explanation about why Tsumugi Shirogane, the SHSL Cosplayer, is going to die right now!"
Gasps from the students.
"What?" Y/N whispered.
"Don't be stupid, you humanised panda bear." Kokichi groaned. Soon everyone was speaking over each other, until I slammed my fist down on the side of my throne.
"Quiet, ungrateful pricks!" I snapped. I cleared my throat. "Now, Tsumugi Shirogane is the mastermind and all of you are characters created by her for the hit TV show called Danganronpa!"
I went on to explain everything about the episodes one through fifty three of Danganronpa
Everyone kept trying to talk over me, so I ended up threatening them with death if they didn't stay quiet. Tsumugi glared knives, screaming at me to shut up.
"Have you gone bad, Monofreak!"
"Maybe I have. I've gone mad with love!" I shouted proudly, playing into my mad character a bit too much. When I ended this killing game, would I still remain as this character?
I pushed the thought aside and decided to focus on ending the killing game first.
"Oh?" Y/N asked.
"Yep! I'm doing this for Y/N L/N, the SHSL y/t!"
She went bright red while Tsumugi just screamed. "Stop it! Stop it right now, you stupid furry!"
I took out my hammer. "Now, I've put together a very special punishment for Tsumugi Shirogane, the SHSL Cosplayer! Now, let's give it everything we've got to end this killing game!"
Though the students were certainly shocked, they were cheering for me. I could certainly get used to that.
"It's punishment time!" Y/N and I cheered in unison.
I hit the big red button that appeared in front of me and gave Tsumugi Shirogane the Ultimate Send-Off!

The Ultimate Send-Off!
The SHSL Cosplayer's execution: executed!

Tsumugi was whacked over the head with a shot put ball which knocked her to her knees. A metal chain clamped around her neck and she was dragged up to a piano, which she briefly played with her feet. The chain released the SHSL Cosplayer and she stumbled off of the piano, falling into a fish tank filled with bones. She swam up to the surface, gasping for breath before a thorn-coated vine dropped. She clung onto it, the thorns piercing her hands before the rope was sliced by one of my claws. She fell back into the water, which was now boiling hot. She was screeching with pain as she swam up to the top, only to be crushed by salted ice with burnt her skin. She was dragged up with toilet paper around her neck before thousands of mini Monokumas swarmed her like bugs and tied her up.
The remaining Monokubs fired a mechanical bee at Shirogane's stomach, which pierced her and caused her to start coughing up blood frantically. She was released from her ties and fell into a rocket ship with was taking off into the sky.
With a single cough Tsumugi sent the rocket ship spiralling downwards back into the Earth.
Finally, Shirogane and the rocket ship exploded, causing all of the watching students to cover their ears.
Hope's Peak was nothing more than a pile of rubble.
The survivors of the fifty-third killing game were free.

Silence fell among the students.
"Wh-What... were they?" Y/N whispered.
"Unused executions." I replied briefly. I felt hope surge through my veins.
"Well, we're free." Kokichi declared quieter than usual.
Kaito was the first to cheer. "We're free! We can live new lives with our new personalities!"
Soon the entire crowd of students were screaming with joy, hugging, some kissing, others just crying and grieving for the two students who were unlucky enough not to make it, not including the monster that was Tsumugi Shirogane.
Everyone swarmed out of the grounds, cheering and punching the air.
"Hey, Y/N?" I asked when she stayed glued to the spot. "Are you going?"
She seemed to have been awoken from a very long dream.
"Uh... ah... yeah." She said, turning to leave. I knew I wouldn't be reaccepted into society.
Or... so I thought.
"Monokuma? Aren't you coming?"
"But I—"
She turned back to me and kissed me dead on the lips, taking my hand and soon parting. She smiled. She laughed. She was crying at the same time. "Come on. We're free. You're free. Let's go."
"Y-Yeah... let's go."

Danganronpa LIV: A New Despair - CANCELLED.

Bonus Ending! (Narrator's POV)

The fans all over the globe were screaming with joy, shipping the Hell out of Monokuma and Y/N. People got so caught up with shipping wars and fanfiction that they didn't even mind that the next Danganronpa series was cancelled.
Well, cancelled is the wrong word.
You see, Monokuma and Y/N decided to hire survivors to act in the new Danganronpa LIV: A New Despair.
So, Danganronpa prospered as did humanity.
As did Y/N and Monokuma.

Word count - 1578.

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