Chapter 22

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A/N: Hello! I'm back, so sorry for the wait, but I needed the good grades so... either way, thank you everyone for the nice comments and votes and reads and everything, because when I logged in I had legit 400 notifications, so thank you everyone, so so much! And enjoy!


I was almost expecting the ride back home to be awkward, but surprisingly, it wasn't. Thank God. Seeing as it was after 10:30pm already the trafic was pretty smooth, so Leo and I held hands everytime we could. That was the first time we've done anything remotely sexual, so it was a big step in our relationship and I feel really good about it.

By the time we arrive at Leo's place it's already after 11:30pm, which probably wasn't the wisest choice, seeing as we have school tomorrow and have to get up in a few hours and I still have to get home so, we'll see how that goes.

We get out of the car and walk hand-in-hand to the front door, trying to be as silent as possible as to not wake anyone up. Just as we're about to start going up the stairs, the light turns on and we both squeel and look towards the figure standing at the entrance to the living room. Yeah, turns out, the person standing there is a very scary looking Olivia.

"Do you boys have any idea what time it is?" She asks, whisper-shouting.

I'm about to answer and apologize, feeling really guilty for leaving her alone with Chris this whole time, when Leo steps in and answers for us, "I'm really sorry, mom. It won't happen again, it's just...I took Matt to the beach and you know how far it is and I guess we just...ummm...lost track of time."

"We're both really sorry, Mrs. Bryant," I say, feeling like I should say something.

She seems to consider it for a while, but in the end her face just softens and she nods, accepting our apologies.

"Just go to sleep, we'll talk tomorrow. And next time, at least send a text. Even though we both know there won't be a next time," she says before giving us a stern look. "Am I right?"

We both look at each before nodding our heads eagerly.

"That's what I thought. Now go ahead, you have school tomorrow. I want to see how you're both gonna have the energy to get out of bed tomorrow."

We start going up the stairs, ready to go to bed, when Olivia's voice interrupts us one more time, "And no funny business!"

I blush, remembering what happened back at the beach just a few hours ago. Leo notices my discomfort, but only gives my hand a little squeeze while chuckling lowly.

We decide that it's probably better if we shower in the morning, so he just gives me some clothes to sleep in. He tells me I can use the bathroom first, so that's what I do and once I'm done with changing into the sweatpants, that I now consider mine, and the plain black t-shirt he gave me, I go to the sink, glad to see he still has my toothbrush from the first time I slept here. Well, the first known time.

When I go back to Leo's room he's already under the covers, shirtless obviously, checking something on his phone. He looks up when he hears me closing the door and pats the spot next to him on the bed.

As soon as I sit down next to him he gives me a kiss on the cheek, "I set the alarm for 7:00am seeing as we both have to shower and we still have to go to your house and drop Chris off and all that. That ok with you?"

"Sure, that sounds good," I answer, soon followed by a yawn.

"Ok, let's just go to sleep."

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea."

The moment I lie down, he spoons me, nuzzling his face on my neck.

"Who knew? Leonardo Bryant is a cuddler." I whisper, not wanting to disturb the mood right now. And something about this mood requires whispering.

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