Chapter 26

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A/N: So, I worked a lot for this chapter and it wasn't easy, but I hope you enjoy. Also, my computer is broken so I ha to use the old one and some of the keys don't work that well, so please excuse the typos. XOXO

Leo's POV:

Everything sucks. Not being able to call Matt mine is worst than I ever thought was possible. It's been a week now since we broke up, and I have been going through some serious withdrawl. Matt is like a drug and I need him, more than I need a lot of things.

By now, everyone in school knows we're broken up, or at least suspect it, seeing as I've been getting flirted with again. And I do not enjoy it. I can't even think about finding someone else attractive because the only thing in my mind are Matt's eyes. Those brown eyes of his that hold so much love for everything and everyone even when the universe may not have been the kindest to him. But God, do I love him.

He's so cute and hot at the same time which is really unnerving because it makes it really hard to concentrate when he's around. He's not short, at all, I'm just really tall, but I like that he's shorter than me, I like to have him in my arms, he just fits there so perfectly.  And I like to rest my head on his hea when we hug, because his hair is great. So fluffly and slightly curly an smells like peaches, which now that I think about is weirdly adorable. And he's not lanky, at all, fram from it, which is strange because he doesn't exercise all that much, but that makes me a little jealous 'cause I work out like Hell to keep in shape and then here he goes with a gorgeous body without effort.

Man , I miss him. 

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by my phone ringing. 

I't's not Matt, I know it's not Matt, but still, every time it rings I jump for it like there's no tomorrow, for that very slight chance that it might be him.

But, like I thought, it's not him. It's just fucking Laurel, who kept texting and calling me, even when I was dating Matt. I tried blocking her number, but seems she just got a new one, so I guess it's hopeless.

God, seriously, can she not take a hint? I ignore her in school, I try rejecting her carefully as to not be too harsh towards her, I don't answer her texts or calls, or even her fucking nudes when it comes to extremes (honestly, I try to not even look at them, and then immediately erase them), but still, she just doesn't know when to give up.

"Leonardo! Cena!" My mom calls from downstairs, letting me know that dinner is ready.

I'm going downstairs when the front door opens and my dad walks in, suit an tie and all business-like, probably tired from another day at his boring ass job full of blood and organs. He's a doctor, just to clear out, not an assassin or something.

I don't hate my dad, not even close. We just can't seem to see eye-to-eye, seeing as he wants me to be a full time football player an I want to be an artist. But he doesn't seem to believe that that's a good carrer because he says he won't pay for my college tuiton if I decide to follow my dream, so I have to work my ass off to get a scholarship and be good enough to get into the college of my dreams.

But I know he loves us and that he just wants what's best for us, but he refuses to believe that for me, it's art. But I believe his heart is in the right place, so I don't usually talk with him that much, knowing that the subject of conversation relating to college will come up and I'm not always looking for an argument.

We all sit down at the table and start eating. Cat and Liam are here today, seeing as it's Sunday and they usually visit us on the weekends, an sometimes even more often. They live close by. Soemtimes is not that fun. I was looking forward to not having her annoying self around all the time. But alas, we can't always have what we want.

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