Twenty-Three - ...A Lifetime to Go

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Dana leaned against the kitchen counter, out of the way, with her arms folded across her chest, biting her lip to prevent her laughter, and had her head tilted downward to avoid any eye contact with her mom or her cousin. Eddie and Karen were going back and forth, not technically arguing, but discussing the little slip Eddie had brought home from school that day, which stated he had gotten into trouble, and Karen needed to meet with the assistant principal to discuss Eddie's punishment.

"It's stupid, Auntie Karen, I swear." Eddie clearly did not want to talk about the subject anymore.

"Eddie," Karen said sternly but softly, "What happened? Honestly." Karen was gentle with Eddie. She knew she had to be. That's why she was Eddie's favorite aunt. Karen was the sweetest, most gentle, kind-hearted person that Eddie had ever met in his life – another reason Eddie didn't want to lie to her.

Eddie sighed, taking a brief moment to think, and then began to explain his side of the story. "This guy in my class is an asshat. He's rude and talks down to everyone and thinks he's so much better than everyone else, and he never shuts up. Today, I guess I was just in a worse mood than normal and when he started being disrespectful to the teacher I snapped at him. I didn't yell or anything but I made a smart comment which he heard. He ended up getting angry with me and started to pick a fight. I ignored him, but then when the bell rang for lunch, he and a group of his friends came after me. I technically hit him first, but he was swinging at me long before that. I swear it was self-defense at first."

"At first?" Karen's eyebrow rose.

Eddie rubbed the back of his neck. "I've just been so angry lately. I guess it had built up too much because after I hit him the first time I couldn't stop. I just kept punching him." Eddie clearly felt guilty for the incident. Karen could tell the guilt was eating at him.

Karen quietly sighed. "We'll go talk to your assistant principal tomorrow morning. Let me talk, okay? If she wants your side of the story then explain that the boy came after you and you hit him in defense. Okay?"

Eddie nodded. "Okay."

"Hopefully I can convince them not to suspend you, but your school is known for its zero tolerance policy and they let you off with a warning last time." Karen paused and looked between Dana and Eddie. "Just get your homework done – both of you. We can wait to talk about this again until tomorrow." Karen gave a quick hug to Eddie then exited the kitchen.

Eddie and Dana stood in silence for a moment, each waiting for the other to speak. Eddie glanced at his cousin, "Why are you laughing?" He asked a chuckling Dana.

Dana shrugged. "It's just kind of funny that I'm known as the hothead who doesn't get along with people and yet you're the one who might get suspended for fighting." Dana shrugged slightly again, sliding her hands into her pockets. "On the bright side, you might have an extra day or two of winter break." Dana patted Eddie's back on her way out of the kitchen. She could almost feel Eddie's eyes rolling behind her.

☼ ☼ ☼

The school's large hallways were quiet and empty with the exception of Grace. She was standing beside the office, staring into the large windows at Eddie who was slouched and pouting in the waiting area with his aunt seated proper and poised beside him. Grace was standing so still it was possible she had turned to stone.

"Hey Grace." Dana said as she passed quickly through the hall.

Grace suddenly moved and called after Dana. Dana stopped and made her way backwards towards her friend. "Why are your mom and Eddie in the office?" Grace interrogated Dana.

"Oh because Eddie-" Dana cut herself off. She smirked to herself before continuing, "Ed is thinking about transferring schools."

"He's what?!" Grace quickly became upset.

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