Twenty-Six - A Drop in the Ocean

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Katie's alarm clock shook her awake. She released her arm from beneath the covers and silenced the alarm. She rolled out of bed and went through her new morning routine. After her mom shipped her off to her aunt's, Katie had to adjust to a new home, a new school, and even a new family. Katie loved her Aunt Katherine more than her own mother sometimes, but she had to adjust to living with Katherine as well as her uncle and her three younger cousins. Katie was only used to living with girls, so living with four boys was the biggest adjustment she had to make.

Katie was silent most mornings, and anything she did say was usually to her aunt. She wasn't any more social in school. Katie felt alone at her new school. It was at least five times larger than Ridgeway. If getting lost in the maze of the school building wasn't what was getting to Katie, then it would be getting lost among the massive sea of students in the hallways. At Ridgeway, everyone knew nearly everyone's name and no one could get away with anything without the whole school knowing in the time it took to switch periods. But here, Katie was just another face. Most people had no idea she was new, or that she even existed. She could skip a class and no one's life would be any different. Katie had gone from one of the most known girls in school to invisible in the blink of an eye.

Being invisible isn't what Katie really cared about. Yes, she felt alone. Yes, she wanted someone to talk to. But all Katie really wanted at the end of the day was her life back. She just wanted Dana back. Now, Katie couldn't even speak to Dana. Nothing was physically stopping her except for herself. Katie was fully capable of texting or calling Dana, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Katie knew she couldn't talk to Dana because as soon as she spoke to her, she'd want to see her and be with her. Katie knew that she had to keep her distance. Katie spent most of her time in classes thinking about Dana and Ridgeway and everything her mom forced her to leave.

Katie would swear she saw Dana in the hallway or driving past on the way home from school, but it never was. It was always just Katie's mind playing tricks on her. Katie kept dreaming of Dana and of seeing her again, but no matter how amazing her dreams were, Katie always woke up. Katie wanted Dana to find her. She wanted Dana to run after her and tell her that she wasn't going to give up on them. Katie wanted Dana to fight for her. Instead, Katie waited. She woke up, went to school, sat through classes she didn't care about, went home, finished homework, ate dinner, and went to bed. Every single day was the same as the last.

Katie was sitting in the back of class, silent as always when the final bell rang. Katie slid out of her seat, grabbing her bag, and quickly exited the classroom. She was making her way down the hallway when she stopped and looked around. She was in awe at the massive building and the flood of people pouring out of it. Katie lost herself in the mural on one of the massive walls. Katie had become some sort of numb after she left her town. She still lived her life, but it wasn't the same. She wasn't the same.

"Big change from a small town, huh?" A voice startled Katie, causing her to jump and drop her books. Katie heard the person begin to laugh. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Katie bent down to gather her books, and turned to see a hand extended with her English book in it.

"Thanks." She muttered weakly as grabbed it from the hand.

"I'm Lindley." The hand still had a grasp of Katie's book.

"I'm-" Katie cut herself off as her eyes followed the hand up Lindley's arm and to her face. Lindley was half smiling at Katie. She seemed unreal to Katie. Her eyes were the bluest eyes Katie had ever seen. Katie's eyes followed as a strand of Lindley's long, wavy blonde hair fell in front of her eyes. Lindley's pale skin contrasted with her dark roots and eyebrows, but highlighted her bright blue eyes. Her soft pick lips captured Katie's attention, and Katie's eyes locked on Lindley's perfect grin.

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