Damn Blue Eyes

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I pick the brightest yellow shirt and white pants. Looking around, I begin to see that everything here seems to be too weird. Like, why are there bedrooms in the Capitol? Have there always been, and I just didn't know or...

Sighing, I open the door, expecting to see Jenna and Zane, but instead, I find an empty hallway.

Confused, I look right, and left, expecting to see them, but instead, I see no one. They're gone. They must have gone somewhere in the building, but that doesn't matter, the only thing that seems to matter is that they didn't bring me with them.

Sighing, I step out the room, wandering through the halls, hoping to find someone who'll help me.

That's when it happens. Me being the actual idiot that I am, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, right when I was turning a corner, a large person came into view, and I ran into them.

Gasping, I feel large hands wrap around my waist, keeping me upright.

"Oh goodness, is she ok?" I hear a squeaky voice ask.

Looking up, I look into the clear eyes of Tony, his damn gorgeous eyes staring at me with humor. "Well, isn't it our Empress." He whispers, his hot breath brushing my neck.

Feeling a blush come to my cheeks, I take a step away from him, making his hands fall away. "Yes, uh who's that?" I ask, pointing to the slim figure behind him.

"Oh, I'm Jace." The guy says, walking up to me a large grin on his face.

Smiling back, I hold out my hand, "I'm Katie."

Jace looks at Tony, "So, she's the girl you've been talking about?" He asks, a playful smile spreading across his lips, making me smile.

I look at Tony, his frown only deepening, "Uh, yes. This...this is her." He says. He finally looks at me again, "Anyway, have you seen Zane?" He asks.

My smile deepens, "I uh, I think he went somewhere with my friend Jenna-"

"Oh, I bet she's the Warrior." He says.

I look at him, startled. "Yeah. Can I ask you something?" I ask, my eyes searching his perfect face. Dang it, all the cute ones have to be buttholes.

"Sure, what, Princess?"

He grins nastily, making me want to both punch him and run my fingers through his silky looking hair. Dismissing the second idea I ask, "How come only you and I are able to read the books?" I ask.

"I know why you can read the books, because if you weren't able to read the books then we wouldn't have an Empress, no one to help guide us to uh...success. But why I can read the books...it's because my ancestor wrote them."

My can feel my whole face light up, "Your ancestor is Gerald Francis Charles Andrew The Second?" I ask, not believing it, but also kinda believing it, Tony does look like he'd be related by a psycho predictor/author.

"Uh, yeah."

"Ok, so is your full name like Thomas Francis Charles Andrew?" I ask, completely guessing.

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