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"She keeps turning away from me," I explain, "She just won't let me help her, and I don't understand!"

"It's okay, Jenna," Kallan says soothingly, rubbing my shoulders. I try to ignore the little shoots of tingles running through my spine from his touch.

"Why didn't you tell Katie about all of this?" I ask him.

He pauses, his hand stopping low on my back, "I told her that she has other siblings. I just...never told her much else."

Shaking my head I say, "You are the most confusing person ever," I stand up from the comfortable couch.

"I don't try, it's who I am, Jenna. I can try better to be more honest to all of you but there are things-"

"What things? If you just tell us then we wouldn't have to go through all of this stress! Like you should have told us about these strange powers! I'm sure that if Katie knew what power she'd have she wouldn't have eaten that damn strawberry! She's in constant pain!"

"You don't understand, Jenna." He says, leaning back more on the couch, "She may be struggling right now, but someday she'll be amazing. When she needs it most she'll come over the pain, and use it to her advantage."

"So you decided that this was the best way to make her stronger? Don't you think she would already be strong enough? Katie has gone through hell this past week and the last thing she needs is the added responsibility of a stupid power that only does one good thing for her, fricking making swords out of nothing."

Kallan quickly stands from the couch, and before I could blink he's right in front of me, taking my hand in his. "Jenna, none of these things have been my choice. I didn't choose for my little sister to have to go through this. If I could, I would take it back. But the only person who can do that is our father." I feel him begin to play with my fingers, warming them with his large ones. "You're always so cold." He says, bringing me closer to him.

I give him a stern look, "We're not done with this conversation." I say.

He laughs, his perfectly white teeth showing. "Trust me, I know." His hand goes to my back, again trying to take away the space between us. "You are so special." He whispers, bringing his mouth to my ear.

I laugh, "I'm the most average person-"

"No, you're not. But I've heard stories of faeries meeting a human and then falling in love with them. And I've heard that the love between them becomes the strongest love ever." I'm out of breath. Did he just say that he loves me? No, it's too soon for that. We barely know each other.

"I'm tired," I say, feeling sleep begin to call for me.

"I'll bring you to bed," He says, "Where's your room?" He asks.

I pause, "You don't have to. I'll see you tomorrow." I say, kissing him on the cheek and darting from the room.

"Okay, goodnight." He says sweetly. He smiles, and I walk calmly out the door. Then, after closing the door, I rush out. The rooms in the chamber seem to all be connected to a long hallway, and finally, I find the room.

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