Chapter 9 - Getting The Shack Back

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You let them have some time alone, but you also needed some time alone to think yourself. You went into the forest to spend the rest of the day there and hopefully think of a way to help them, you yourself was also living there so you need to get the shack back as well.

You somehow feel like Gideon wants more than just the shack to turn it to Gideon land, now you feel like the shack has some secret Gideon and Stan knows about.

When you got back to Soos' house you saw Stan walking out of the house with Soos following close behind shouting "Please reconsider!".

You tilted your head and enter the house, you saw the twins with a sad face, you look to your left and saw two bus tickets sitting on the table near the lamp. "Looks like Stan's given up huh?..."

You clapped your hands together and the twins looked at you, "Alright then, you want the shack back right?" they nodded. "So if Stan's given up, you guys would have to do it. Of course I'll help as well!" You said. They lifted their head up and looked at you with hope in their eyes then smiled brightly.

"Ya! Gideon may have the upper hand but we have something he doesn't." Mabel said proudly.

"Oh? And what is that?"

"The journal/grappling hook." Dipper and Mabel said and each taken out what they said.

"So which one is it."

"The Journal!"

"Oh ya right... the journal..."

You signed then put on a smile for them, they got their spirits back up with them now.

The next day the twins set out to the Mystery Shack with you along with them, the three of you arrived outside of the shack in the forest nearby and hide in the bushes.

"Alright, the bus that takes us out of Gravity Falls comes at sundown. We want to stay in town, we've got to get past those guards, make it through the fence, and get Gideon to hand over that deed." Dipper said.

"Leave that to me." Mabel said and shot the grappling hook at a tree and bounced out hitting Dipper in the head twice. You hit your forehead unamused.

"Right will you admit the grappling hook is useless?!" Dipper shouted at Mabel waving the hook at her.


"Okay, what can we use to defeat Gideon?" Dipper said and started to flip through the journal saying random names of creatures you have never heard of.

"Woah, what's this?" Mabel asked and pointed at a page Dipper flipped. You lead in to take a look at it.

"I don't know, I stared at it for hours. It looks like a blueprint for some kind of strange futuristic super weapon-"


"You're the one who asked what it is Mabel."

"I know but I didn't know it was some kind of science nerdy stuff. We need an army to defeat Gideon! And the guards."

"Actually-" you said but Dipper cut you off.

"That's it! An army!" Dipper said and showed you and Mabel a page of the journal.

"Gnomes?..." Dipper nodded. "Okay... If you say so..."

You offered to stay behind to keep watch of Gideon, just so you don't have to meet those gnomes. You picked a great hiding spot in the trees to watch Gideon in the yard dipping up holes, then a fat old man came in saying that Gideon has guests. You hop between the branches of the trees to follow Gideon unnoticed. You saw Dipper and Mabel behind the wire fence.

"Gave us the deed to the shack Gideon! Or else!"

"Am I supposed to say or else what?"

"Yes you are supposed to say that!" Mabel screamed. "NOW!"

Suddenly a bunch of gnomes crowded the whole area aiming at Gideon and surrounding him, the twins walked to him, but there was something off with the situation in front of you. Gideon seems... too... calm with the scene he's is.

"You're surrounded by an unstoppable gnome army, now give us back our deed and get off our property!"

"And let the marriage ceremony begin!" the gnome on top of a deer shouted excitedly.

"What did he just say? Marriage? With a male? He know Gideon is a boy right?" you nearly fell out of the tree when you heard what the gnome said.

Gideon signed, "Very well... I suppose this deed belongs to-" Gideon took out a gold whistle and blew it. The gnome hold their head in pain. "Huh, what do you know, works on gnomes too." and blew again.

"Stop! We'll do anything! How can we serve you, your majesty. The most beautiful girl we've ever seen." the gnome said again who you think is the leader of the group.

"I am not a girl!" I laughed at that.

"Really? But your skin is so soft." the gnome leader said and touched his hand.

"Subdue them!" Gideon shouted pointing at Dipper and Mabel. The gnomes instantly acted on their order and hold Dipper and Mabel in place. "I have to admit kids, that I am impressed by your creativity. How did you ever-"

Then Dipper's journal slipped through his jacket and fell to the floor. "Oh no!"

"No! Could it be? Is it?" Gideon ran to get it, Dipper tried to break free but failed. "Of course! It all makes sense! The one place I'd never think to look, you had it the whole time! And to think I actually considered you a thread."

"No! Give it back!"

"Very victory you had was because of your precious book."

"Give it back or I'll-"

"You'll what boy? You'll what? Huh?"

"Or he'll call me in to get it for him." You said from your spot and jumped out. Gideon turned to face you, he has fear in his eyes. "Let them go and head over the deed and Dipper's journal." you said coldly and stared at him.

"You again! Who are you anyway?"

"(Y/N), a friend of the twins. Now, about that deed and the book in your hands." you started walked closer to Gideon.

Gideon started walking backwards while hugging the journal, you stared at him. His eyes were filled with fear, that made you glad.

"S..stay... stay back. Wait!" Gideon stopped and so did you, you raise your eyebrow and Gideon grinned turning to the gnomes. "Gnomes! Attack her!" Gideon pointed at you. The gnomes let go of Dipper and Mabel and headed straight for you.

Author's Note: Hi! No Bill in this chapter, I know. He's taking a vacation. That reminds me, starting from today there will be two chapters per week! Isn't this great news? Anyways, Like, Vote and Comment!

A Demon's Heart (Bill Cipher X Assassin Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now