Chapter 16 - Fall of the Dead

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After Soos got bitten and turned into a zombie, he turned around and said, "Second thought, I'm gonna flip the script. Can I eat your brain your neck?"

Before you could let the twins scream or get bitten, you grab their hand and ran into the shack.

Killing some zombies along the way with your staff, lucky the twins can run themselves without being dragged by you.

"Find something to block the door! And windows!" you shouted at the twins and they immediately listened.

It was no use, there were too many of them, they'll get in, it was only a matter of time.

"This is all my fault! I wanted answers so badly, that I put everyone in danger! Now you're toasted! And no one and save us!" Dipper started confessing his guilt until a zombie got a hold of him and lifting im up into the air.

You were too busy fighting them off that you couldn't go help Dipper, you bit your bottom lip waiting for the worst to happen.

Until you saw the vending machine open and Stan came out of it with a bat, you smiled and cut off the heads of the zombies near you.

"You three attic! Now!" Stan ordered.

"Grunkle Stan?" Dipper only managed to say.

"I said now!" you heard Stan shout again. You heard the footsteps of two kids running away, you finished off the zombies around you and followed them to the attic.

As you ran, you stopped to help Stan fight out some zombies as well, you can't let Stan have all the glory right?

"That old man can sure fight..." you thought as you watch Stan fight off the zombies. The zombie got a hold of the bat Stan was holding and bit it in half. "Go to the twins! I'll hold them off!"

"I can't! You're just a kid!"

"Trust me, I can do more than any kid you've seen..." you said to Stan, he didn't argue any longer, he nodded running to the attic. "Now then, since no one is here to watch me... Who wants to get killed again?" your voice darkened. If looks could kill, they'd be dead again by now.

You pressed a behind button making your staff turned into a scythe. Your grip on the handle tightened, then you cut off the zombies' heads with it.

One by one, they fall. A number of them was out but more and more kept on coming. One down, three came in, it repeated and repeated. It was what you called, an endless battle, you knew that the numbers were just too big so you ran to the top of the stairs and blocked their way up by anything you can find.

You hid your blade away making the weapon in your hand look like a harmless staff and banged on the door. The door didn't open so you opened it forcefully and went inside. The twins hugged you, yelling your name and you hugged back, with a smile on your face.

"Thought you were a goner, kid." Stan said.

"It will take more than that to get rid of me..." you smirked.

"Well, now you can't deny magic exists anymore...right?" Dipper said to Stan nervously.

"Now's not the time Dipper..." you smiled.

"Kids, I've known..."

"Wait. What?!" Dipper said and making a face. "What are you talking about?..."

"I'm not an idiot. Dipper. Of course I know this town is weird, the one thing I know about that weirdness is that it's dangerous." Stan stated.

You backed away from the door as an arm smashed through the wooden door.

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