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The next morning, Obito felt something was off. Not knowing what he just went about his day like normal. He took Kayoko to school, visited the K.I.A. stone, did small missions for the Hokage and the took Kayoko home. Everything seemed to go about normally but as the day progressed the feeling that something was off grew and set Obito on edge.

It wasn't until Rin was putting Kayoko to bed that night that something happened.

"Hold on!" Obito called from the couch as someone knocked on the door. The knocking didn't stop and Obito knew this wasn't a friendly visit but an urgent one.

Upon opening the door Obito found the graduating classes teacher, Iruka Umino. "Lord Hokage's called an urgent meeting!" Iruka gasped out as he failed to regain his breath.

"Iruka? What's the meeting about?" Obito asked as he grabbed his flask Jounin jacket.

"I'm not sure. He told me to get you and Rin quickly and watch Kayoko until the meeting's over." The younger male said as he regained his breath. Allowing Iruka in, Obito lead the Chunin to his son's room.

"Rin", Obito said from his son's doorway, "Lord Hokage needs us immediately. Kayoko, behave for Iruka." With a nod from the young boy and a good night, Rin and Obito made their way to the Hokage tower.

Within the tower, many Jounin chatted as they tried to figure out what was going on. Beside the presiding Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, stood his son, Asuma Sarutobi, and the head of the interrogation unit, Ibiki Morino. The three of them stood listening to the other Jounins fail to guess their reason for being called to the Hokage's office.

Many of the Jounin speculated war while others guessed a stolen object. One group in the corner guessed someone defected from the village. Nobody payed any mind to the couple that walked threw the door.

Quieting the rambunctious group of Jounin, the Hokage began, "Early this morning a boy was found in the cemetery-"

Before he could finish a Jounin in the back interrupted, "Lord Hokage there are many boys in that cemetery. What makes this one so special?"

"The boy was alive and well but he was also found in the older part of the cemetery." The Hokage went on.

"So...? What does that mean?" A nearby Join in asked.

"This boy was presumed dead-"

Again the Hokage was cut off, "So someone temporarily stopped his heart?"

"One more person cut me off and I swear..., " The elderly man mumbled, "No, this boy didn't die yesterday or a week ago. He died 13 years ago."

Many people in the crowd were shocked. The ones that snapped out of it first claimed it was a prank. Others didn't know what to say.

13 years ago was the Third Great Shinobi War. Many boys had died in that war but only so many of the dead ones came home. Others were buried out in the field or never confirmed dead.

"Lord Hokage. Who's the boy?" Asked a blond Jounin, Inochi Yamanaka.

After a long pause the elderly man sat back in his chair and took a deep breath. Opening his mouth he answered, "Kakashi Hatake."


Short chapter I know. Next chapter will be longer I promise! Please tell me what you think! Good or Bad.




Or steal Gaara's cookies (be aware that Gaara likes his cookies. So proceed with caution...)

Bye Bye :)

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