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YOONGI: What the fck is wrong with you coconut?

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YOONGI: What the fck is wrong with you coconut?

Yoongi said feeling irritated with jungkook's behavior. They are in their class studio. And as soon as jungkook saw yoongi walk inside the room he ran to him and ask him about y/n.

It's been 1 hour since jungkook keeps on annoying yoongi.

YOONGI: Aish! I told you I don't know where she is.. And why the fck are you looking for her? This is what you want right? To get her out of your boring life.

Yoongi said as he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

JUNGKOOK: I know you know where she is.. I know jimin told you. So please tell me.

YOONGI: Stop bothering me you idiot!

JUNGKOOK: I'm not going to stop until you tell me where she is.

YOONGI: Aish! This kid really... You're getting on my nerves man..

JUNGKOOK: I'm just asking you where she is! Why can't you tell me?? Why is it so hard for you to tell me!

YOONGI: Yah! Don't raise your voice at me. I'm older than you, you are just taller than me but I'm older. So respect me or else I will kick your flat butt!

JUNGKOOK: Aish! Why is it so hard?? Please tell me where she is.. I need to see her..

Jungkook beg him.

YOONGI: Why do you still want to see her? I thought this is what you want? Aren't you happy that she's finally gone?

JUNGKOOK: No... I wanted to see her so bad..

YOONGI: You know what? Whatever.. Even if how many times you will beg me to tell you where she is.. I can't tell you because jimin won't allow me...

JUNGKOOK: So you know where she is?! I thought you said you don't know!

YOONGI: Why? Am I not allowed to lie?? And it's a secret.. We can't tell you, because jimin will kill me if he find out I tell you where she is. I don't want to loose my precious life just for you. Duh~

JUNGKOOK: Aish... Damn it.

YOONGI: Yah.. You think I didn't know what you did to y/n?

JUNGKOOK: I wouldn't even surprise if you know it..

YOONGI: You know what.. I think it's really is a good idea to not tell you where she is.. Because I know you will only hurt her.

Jungkook widen his eyes.

JUNGKOOK: Please tell me! I promise I won't hurt her again! Please hyung!

YOONGI: I'm not your hyung! So move! I have to go!

Yoongi said as he started to walk away.

JUNGKOOK: Yoongi please tell me where she is!


Yoongi said before he walk away leaving jungkook inside.

Jungkook mess his hair in frustration.

JUNGKOOK: Where the hell are you. Y/n-ah?

He mumbled.

Yoongi wanted to help jungkook but he was still angry because of what he did to y/n and jimin.

He saw how sincere he was when jungkook was begging him. But he don't know if he can trust him.

He decided to not tell him where y/n is. Because it's for the best.

And he also want him to suffer a little. He wants him to realize and regret what he did to her.

' Good luck little boy.. I hope you will realize what you have done. ' Yoongi's thought.



It's been one week since he didn't saw her. And it drove him crazy. He wanted to hold you so much.

He was even surprise to himself to think that those days you were gone, he felt so lonely, sad and empty. And he admitted that he wasn't confuse anymore of his feelings to iu. He was sure now that he only thought of her as a sister and nothing more. He didn't feel any spark with her like before. His heart didn't even flutter or beat when he saw her. And everything is clear now. He don't have feelings for iu anymore.

But y/n.

He miss her. He miss everything about her. He miss her voice, her scent, he miss your sweet voice. He miss the way you call him 'oppa', the way you smiled at him, the way you show your love to him. And the way you wait for him at his locker. He just got use to it.

But now that you're gone.

It's like his whole world is nothing without you.

He miss you so much. He wanted to hold you, to kiss you so bad. And to hug you like he never want to let you go.

Sometimes he end up crying when he remember those days with you. And those days he was treating you like trash, when he was bullying you. Those harsh words he said to you. When he remember those memories with you, he will broke into tears.

He was thinking that you are always cheerful, noisy and always blabbering about nonsense which he hate it before. He thought he will be happy if you will disappear in his life but he was wrong. He don't have energy to come to school anymore when you were gone. He was empty and sad.

He thought everything about you had done with him. Those days that he was always cold, and rude to you.. You will just smile to him like you're not hurt. You always give him surprises and gifts every time it's your monthsary but he never did the same to you.

He never cherish you, he never treated you right. He hate himself for treating you that way. Every time he will remember about how he treated you he will end up crying and got angry to himself. He hate himself for treating you that way. He really regret it.

Now, he won't ask for anything else. He only wish to see you again. He wish for your forgiveness, and for you to comeback to him. He won't ask for anything else but you.

He now admitted that you are important to him. That he can't live without you. That he wanted to wake up and to come to school everyday just to see your lovely face. He wanted it back.

He realized that taehyung was right. He was blind. He fell in love to a wrong girl. He was full of anger. He was confuse at his feelings at first but now he was sure why he is feeling this way. Why he was sad, empty and lonely when you were gone. He knew what it all means.

He loves you.

He just discover his feelings in a bad time and a bad way. He loves her to death that he is willing to do to get her back. He will show her that he regret everything he did to her. He will show her how much he loves her. That she is his everything. And he promise to himself that once he see you again... He will never let you go.


I will get her back. I will find her no matter what.

She's only mine and no one can take her away from me. I love you so much.....

Park y/n.


JULY 22, 2018




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