Chapter eight - unwanted visitors and storms

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To say I was relieved and overjoyed when the bell signalling the end of class, which was also the end of my day after what felt like a million classes would be an understatement

I unlocked the door to the dorm and threw my keys in the basket but stopped in my tracks when I heard a female voice that didn't sound like any of my friends speak up

"You're so hot, you must go to the gym a lot" I hear the muffled voice say

I'm going to scream, my plans to have a shower and sleep for the rest of the day destroyed because my stupid roommate brought a girl over

I take a few steps forward to see Grayson sitting on a beanbag facing me, while the girl with long blonde hair has her back to me

"You should totally give me your number" I recognise the voice to be Cassidy's causing me to scowl

"Unfortunately for you, you're talking to my boyfriend so no you can't get his number" I cross my arms and the blonde turns around to me giving me a fake smile

"Emma hey" she stands up and I notice Grayson looking at us a confused expression because of the tension

"What are you doing here Cassidy?" I sigh

"Can't I come to see my soon to be step sister"

I scowl at her last to words "Not when I'm here in LA and don't call us that"

She pretends to be hurt "you're not still on this are you"

I roll my eyes "on what? We're not related and never will be so drop the sister act"

"Emma, mom just wants you to come to the wedding. Why can't you do that for us"


"I'm allowed call her that"

I scoff "you have a mom"

"And so do you" She raises her voice "but you won't even come to her wedding"

"I wonder why that is?"

Cassidy feigns caring "Em you're not still feeling like that, please tell me"

I raise my eyebrow

"We thought the counselling worked but the jealousy is still there. You do realise you're part of the family too"

"Jealousy?" I raise my voice "how am I the jealous one? You look exactly like me, you dyed your hair blonde and grew it out when you seen mine, you wear all of my clothes. I want that dress back by the way and my mom cares more about you and her perfect family than me so excuse me if I don't want to go to that shitty wedding so you and everyone else should stop expecting me to"

Cassidy frowns losing the nice persona "maybe your mom loves me more because I act like an actual girl instead of spending every day in the gym"

"Mom knows what I done that" I snap "she's the one that insulted me about my non-existent body everyday"

"You know what Cassidy. Get out" I say wondering why I even entertained her for this long

Cassidy stays on front of me "even your real dad and brothers accept the wedding, why do you always have to be so hard to deal with"

I roll my eyes and grab my gym bag and keys before storming out of the dorm making sure to slam the door behind me

The drive to the gym was unnecessarily speedier than others but Cassidy knows how to rile me up like this and I unfortunately let her win

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