Chapter eighteen - Cafes and explanations

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"You and I both know the next time I won't miss" One of the voices from before growls threateningly

Everyone started walking separate ways and I took that as my queue to sneak away

I didn't make it far before a hand roughly grabbed my wrist before pulling me into the dark alleyway

My back hit the cold stone wall, the stones digging into my skin. Luckily my head managed to escape the bang and I'm pretty sure that has something to do with the hand holding it to make sure that didn't happen

I look up at the person that pulled me back hoping what they're going to do to me wouldn't be that bad



We both breath out each other's names at the same time

Grayson takes his hand from behind my head but keeps his grip on my wrist

I look up into his cold eyes "What the hell just happened?"

He doesn't answer his face hard

"What the fuck? What are you...." The realisation of what he done and said finally kicking in "you just threatened to kill someone"

"It's not what you think" he says coldly

"What? You're not a murderer?"

"Don't say that"

"Then explain to me what it is" I snap "because even though your a dick, there has to be more to this"

He doesn't say anything just let's go of my wrist and walks away. I take it as my queue and follow him. We end up going into a 24 hour diner that I've never been to before. I look at the lit up sign saying 'Macy's' before walking in

"Grayson" the old woman behind the counter who I assume is Macy smiles and then notices me "who's this?"

"This is Emma" he responds his voice softer "my.... friend?"

I give her a smile and Grayson orders two coffees and pancakes

We sit in the booth at the corner. The diner was small. All the booths were lined up against the window and you could also sit at the counter. There were a few other people lingering around some at tables some at the counter

We both stayed quiet until the drinks and food came out. I looked out the window at the cars driving past while Grayson messed with his keys

"Care to explain what the hell is going on with you" I cast him a glance

"It's not what you think"

"As you've said"

He lets out a breath "When I was 16 I done some pretty stupid things" he doesn't meet my eye "My cousin Kody had told me he knew some people that could help us get some drugs. What I didn't know was that these people were part of some gang and once you got involved with them, there was no coming back from it. I looked up to Kody like he was the older brother I didn't have so I done what he said"

"I don't want to be in the gang" I put my hand on Grayson's, the pained expression on his face was enough to tell me he didn't like talking about this and I hated that I'm the reason he had to "but I've seen what happens when you try to get out. I've seen what they done to Kody and now it's just me. I don't even care about me but they've already threatened Tricia"

"And to answer your question. No I'm not a murderer, I don't care what they make me do is take another one of there beatings before I'd do that"


"I tend to piss them off"

"So that's why you always disappear?"

He nods "there are rival gangs we have to fight. It doesn't really go past that unless something goes really wrong but there are always empty threats you have to make"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made you tell me that"

Grayson puts his other hand on top of mine, his thumb rubs my hand soothingly  "its fine at least now you don't have to go all detective on me" he smiles

"Just friends ey?" The lady who's name tag does say Macy' grins at us as she collects our plates

We both pull away at the same time like we've just touched fire

We got back to the dorm not long after, it turns out I had went the totally wrong way and would have gotten myself even more lost

I was walking into the bathroom to change when Grayson grabs my wrist

I turn around

"Tricia doesn't know about this" he tells me "please don't say anything"

I give him a small smile "I won't"


"So any update on the other job?" Patricia asks me a few days later

The whole group were sitting at a table in the cafeteria

"What new job?" Jordan asks

"She's going to be a model" Clare dreamily says

I roll my eyes "I'm not going to be a model, I'm just doing a shoot for my bosses friend"

"She's going to be in a magazine"

"Modelling what?" Grayson smirks

I narrow my eyes at him "You haven't seen that yet never mind the city" 

"Yet?" Maddie smirks beside me

"Slip of the tongue" I mutter "your meant to be on my side"

"What are you modelling anyway?"

"I'm pretty sure I'm just promoting the gym"

"When's it happening?" Patricia adds

"This weekend, I think"

"Are you on some strict diet?"

Grayson snickers at the last question

"Strict diet? I don't think so" he mutters

"I just don't see the point of going hard on myself just because I'm doing something like that"

"So who's going to the barbecue Sunday night?" Ross asks after putting his phone down

"Barbecue?" Clare questions

"The weekly Sunday night barbecue? They're starting it again now that it's getting slightly warmer"

"Wait what?" I raise my eyebrow "new girl here" I mutter the last part

"When it starts to get warmer towards summer break for the last few weeks we have weekly barbecues on Sunday nights where everyone meets up" Patricia informs me "we have bonfires, get drunk and the best part is the teachers faces when everyone is hungover in class the next day"

"Too much of a goody two shoes to do that?" Graysons challenges me smirking

"Guess you'll find out Sunday" I wink

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