Seperation Problems

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+Black Army Base+

Tord, due to escape risks, was handcuffed behind his back. He didn't mind the cuffs, Tord could escape them easily, just that the love his life isn't anywhere near him. Tom could possibly in danger or suffering alone in another cell doing who knows what.

He paces back and forth in his cell thinking,'thinking of how to escape, find Tom, and get out of this hell hole together.

"Ugh!" Tord rams himself against the bars but as usual, no use at all. "Tom!" He loudly says his partner's name in hopes he was close by.

Yet no answer.

The Red Leader slides down against the bars until he comes to sit on the floor. He presses his head down between his knees and chest.

'Please be safe...'

In another holding cell on the other side of the base, where it's more cleaner, Tom sat on his cot with his hands handcuffed behind his back too. On his small table is a tray of food he had yet to touch.

He was far more worried about Tord and their children. The Blue Leader knew very well the Blue soldiers could lead the rest of the soldiers and their guest to the hidden safety shelters. He hoped they all made it safe including the children.

A ringing of keys made Tom look up from the floor to the cell bars. There leaning their back against the front of the cell wall is Jessica. Her finger twirling the ring of keys around her finger.

She's been showing up for the pass few day doing the same thing.

"How are you Thompson? Is your cell treating you well?" She giggles at the end with a happy sound to her tone.

"Same as always, empty." Tom didn't attempt to humor her as much. He found her twisted in some way he couldn't describe perfectly. If he tried, Tom would put it around some sort of sadistic glee in his capture. "So what's the reason you're here again?"

The raven hair woman stops ringing the keys and clutches them in her grip. Finally turning around to face him in his still dirtied wedding suit which he's still mad about.

"I came here to catch another look at your pathetic self." She eyes his wedding suit with distain, "Really now, you should at least change into the clothes Black Leader has so mercifully provided you with."

After the first day he was put in his cell, Jessica came down with a folded set of clothes for Tom to wear. The second in command had refused, leaving the uniform untouched from where the woman had first left it.

"As if I'd wear those clothes... Wearing those would be a sign of betrayal after you ruined what was suppose to be the best day of me and my love's life!"

Jessica stomps her foot down with narrowed eyes at Tom. "You can't actually believe he did it because he loves you right? He's only using you because your worth something to his army. You're only an asset!"

Tom can't let her words get into his head. Tord loves him, he knows it deep down in his heart. The many 'I love you' said and tears shared between each other were always true.

"You're nothing but a pawn of his chessboard."

"Shut up!" Tom got up from the bed with his hands clenched into fists and his green eyes become red to signal his anger. "You know nothing Jessica! You're just some slut making her way through the ranks using only your sex appeal."

"You take that back!"

"Make me bitch!"

Jessica makes a face of disgust before slowly turning into a smirk, she presses a button on the wall next to the cell that Tom can't see. "Let's see how you like spending a few days in solitary confinement."

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