A Doctor's Gift

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~+Red Army Base: Red Leader's Office+~

The two leaders stayed next to each other while the children were seated on the couch across from his desk that faced the Tv. The only ones not present with them, in this family meeting, is Tomi since he's with Will at the moment. Although they were in sight because they were just in view through the window behind Tord's desk.

Asher, on the other hand, is taking a tour around the base with Bryon to keep him busy for awhile while they talk about the important stuff.

Tord sat in his usual seat behind his desk while Tom stood by his side. The Blue Leader looks confused and ready to ask questions while Red Leader looks strictly serious.

"I want the full story Torm, please. You seem to somehow know about... Will..." Tom says looking unsure as he says the new experiment's name.

Tika, sitting by her brother's side, lays her head on her brother's shoulder while loosely hugging his arm in comfort.

"I just remember little parts of me seeing that experiment's container Mother." Torm rests his head against his sister and closes his eyes. He could faintly remember waking up sometimes and hazily seeing Will's containment unit. "It had to be because of William..."

"Well I'd like to know more about this William character better before you start talking about Will." Tord says trying to be calm for his lover. "You and Tomi have never mentioned him before."

"I never said anything about him because Tomi begged me to not say anything about his caretaker," He didn't understand why his brother would beg him to keep William a secret though. He was the bad guy, why keep him in the dark from their parents. "but now it looks like I have to." He remembers his little brother holding his hand tightly with tears in the corner of his eyes.

"I just don't understand why Tomi would beg you to do that. We could have tracked this man long ago and taken him down. Who knows where he might be now!" Tord taps his fingers against his arm impatiently that Tom had to place a hand on the man's shoulder to quietly tell him to stop.

Torm sighs and opens his eyes to look at his Father and Mother ready to explain. "William was Tomi's caretaker during the time of our capture, both a trained doctor and scientist. I was always assigned two other people, one scientist and one doctor, although they changed regularly because Tomi always cried to his caretaker they were injuring me a lot. I'm sure the both of you remember the many cuts along my skin."

How Torm was saying it calmly had Tom shiver as a chill went up his spine. He remembers seeing those cuts and he had broken down crying to Tord about it. Never again does he want that to happen to any of his babies. The two parents nod a bit stiffly.

"He was the one to dress my wounds all the time whenever Tomi asked him." The devil blinks as he realizes how much William has actually done for his brother without complaint. "That's another thing actually... William always did what Tomi asked besides letting us leave or escape. Most times he would call Tomi his Jewel which none of us came to understand." Torm fiddled with his sister's fingers a he continued to talk as a way to brush away his nervousness about the topic of the blond doctor. He's just glad his sister isn't questioning about his small actions.

"Finally, he was assigned the head doctor and scientist of where we were for someone so young. So he worked with the people equivalent to his status from what Tomi told me as he got to know the doctor more."

"Then what about Will? Asher mentioned to us before we left to have this talk that you said the tank looks familiar."

Torm then looks annoyed at the floor, "I should have never have said that around him." He says quietly but enough for his sister to hear.

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