Chapter Eighteen

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"I. . ." I found myself unable to speak, my hands shaking and eyesight going blurry as I tried to think of a way to answer. "I. . ."

I felt my Pearl's hand being laid over my shoulder, allowing me to breath out, if only for a moment.

Everyone's eyes were on me, and I couldn't seem to get the words out.

I knew they would have questions about what I just revealed – even Peridot's expression told me that much. I turned my glance to the pale Pearl who came to the revelation about White's caging of me, yet was that really how it was for her.

Maybe I was just naive at that time, though I could keep being understanding without any explanation beyond my attack.

Before I went further into those thoughts, my Pearl's voice interrupted them, with her gaze fixed on all of us – though it seemed to be another question that she had for me.

"(Y/N)-" She started to speak, for the first time ferrying to me by my name rather than by her formalities. Peridot was one to rush forward – Surely, the revelation about what White Diamond had done was a bit odd to her, yet her expression was swimming with things that I caught reflected in her eyes, which I noticed to be doubt among them.

"I'm sure there has to be more about why White Diamond kept her hidden. . ."

Her hand reached out to grab my right wrist, where my gem was located on – though her aura was still brimming with excitement over having discovered another Diamond, as she continued on with her words.

"Do you know what this means you, guys?! All the records of her hidden mural must've been secured on the Moon Base. . . Not to mention she could be the equivalent to White Diamond in terms of strength! Oh, the possibilities are endless – I can't believe I'm the first one to see her – It's astounding!"

Peridot's expression held a dreamily look to it, clearly etched on her features as her eyes lit up like the twinkling stars above us.

The pale Pearl shot her an annoyed look for being interrupted while my own Pearl wondered if she was usually like this when it came to the Diamonds.

I knew what she wanted to ask me, though I formulated it in my mind to give her an answer.

"I was doubtful at first about your existence – Why all the secrecy . . .?"

Peridot was still glancing at my gem, with a mixture of emotions ranging in great variations, though I was not deterred by her touching me,that still that didn't stop the new friend from grumbling about something. I guess this is what Steven would call it 'adorable', seeing that he told me she would get worked about things and that she was always looking to discover new things and to solve mysteries.

Such knowledge about why White kept me hidden was not really known to me – The only thing I thought about at that time was for my safety as well as of my Pearl's, and not much else – apart from the fact that all of our people on Homeworld were not ready to meet me.

"Peri, calm down!" Steven cut the smaller Gem from asking anymore questions. She pouted a little while his gaze went over to the pale Pearl as he added on, "Pearl wanted to say something."

"What was your purpose before you arrived here?" She asked. "The Diamonds all seemed to have their own assigned roles, so I wondered if you had one of your own."

My mind thought back on the day I was first introduced to my powers. Though I never had a chance to demonstrate them back on Homeworld, White still told me about certain things – about the different abilities as carried within myself. What was most strange to me, however, was that - whenever it came to using my healing powers - she seemed to shun me for them.

She insisted healing was her role, and that I was only meant to manipulate things and take the lives of those Gems who were too weak to keep on living.

Though I was content with the first power, the ability of taking the lives of other Gems was one I didn't desire to sharpen.

Many times she insisted I tried working with that ability, yet I resisted, resulting in her chastising me more than once during my time spent with her back on Homeworld.

"I was supposed to have the role of manipulating darkness. . ." I replied, choosing to avoid the part revolving around death and mourning. "But. . . Since I had to be kept hidden, I never got to fulfilling that role – I was simply told to sharpen my abilities in case an emergency came around."

With the question hanging in the air, what Pearl asked me still rang in my mind, so I couldn't really avoid answering that question while I let a sigh escape my lips before I spoke up again.

"Alas, after the attack that happened, White thought it was best to keep me away from our people. No one would be able to grasp my existence due to my gem's shade. "Caged. . . I never thought of it like that - Then again, I'm not sure what to think now. . ."

I hoped that answer would suffice for them for the time being, though that was the very question I asked myself to this day. Only. . . I hoped to find the reason why she did this eventually - Or at least, whenever I decided to go back to Homeworld.

Since I intended to enjoy my freedom, which was what I most craved and desired for apart from being able to interact with other Gems - one's who thought of me to be a fable.

Needless to say, I felt extremely excited to get the chance to interact with them.

Garnet and Amethyst were taking everything I'd just said in, though they were silent for most of the night. I figured they were thinking about what I told them - although Amethyst seemed to find this piece of information was just something to chalk up as frustrating.

Amethyst voice broke through the silence as she stretched, wanting to lighten the mood back to its previous tone.

"It's about time we stop talking about all the heavy stuff for now."

"Amethyst, we need to figure this out! I mean. . . White Diamond hiding another Diamond-" Pearl started to voice her concern about this seriousness of this situation before Garnet decided to find her voice to speak as well.

"Don't worry, Pearl - Everything will be alright." She affirmed, shifting her gaze over to the other Gem.

It felt like she knew things would be brought to light, yet I wondered what made her so sure. It did seem to help relax her considerably, seeing as a smile appeared on her lips - like she knew some sort of secret I wouldn't be able to make sense of.

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