Chapter Twenty Two

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Third Person POV

After a week of getting to know the Crystal Gems as well as of the world they lived in, (Y/N) and BP had managed to grow accustomed to some of their surroundings and eventually found a place to stay in.

Having decided what would become of them to maintain their living space, Steven suggested the pair found a place to work in on Beach City, though that was still a mission in progress, since (Y/N) still freaked out when seeing places like The Big Donut, while BP tried to protect her whenever someone tried to form small talk with her – the last person she'd tried to confront being Steven's father himself.

Overall, the pair were still new to everything Earth offered to them, yet they were getting acquainted with it by living in their apartment, where they met with other humans living in the same complex as them.

Living alone together with only one week worth of knowledge often led to various scenarios that either caused them to receive a penalty, or for their neighbours to laugh at their antics.

Most recently, they'd learnt of 'showering', which led for (Y/N) to storm out of the bathroom barely clothed as she panicked about how she'd broken the faucet and how water was pouring uncontrollably from the broken spot. She'd ran over to Black Pearl's side, frantically explaining to her about what she'd done.

That incident had caused them to pay for the damages by doing some lawn and receptionist work for their landlord, with (Y/N)'s curiosity being most inclined to gardening and BP's composure leading her to take a liking to working behind the counter.

Their constant adventures and misadventures led them to form a few friendships with some neighbours, who claimed the pair were a great duo, despite how often they got in trouble with the landlord.

Today, they were inspecting an area called a'pool'. They were informed it was similar to natural bodies of water, with the exception being the water had to be kept clean by chemicals instead of letting nature take its course by performing water cycles.

As (Y/N) poked her foot in the cold water, Black Pearl decided it would be interesting to try on what she read as 'sunblock', the slippery substance causing her to fumble fruitlessly with the bottle and tumble over her feet, sending her crashing down into the pool while taking her Diamond with her.

The pair ended up causing an enormous splash, affecting everyone near and far, thus giving commencement to another scolding from their landlord.

It may had been a difficult start for them at first, but [Y/N] and her loyal friend and companion were still confident about learning more about humans and the planet they inhabited.

While the two Gems continued to grow used to living on Earth, another group had just arrived on Earth.

"Hey, Graphite! What part of Earth are we on?" A feminine voice called out, stepping out of the forest while the forest grumbling a little under breath while wiggling her foot free of thick uprooted vine from the ground while standing up to kick the root away from her. They have been here to scope out the planet by White Diamond though she couldn't understand it.

What made this planet so special?

Their Homeworld was something much better that this rock – or was it some sort of strange spell that this Earth was able to cast on others for them to taking a liking to such a place?

That, however, didn't matter to the snowy-haired gem – The only thing that was important was the mission.

"Where the heck are you, Graphy. . . Snow?" She knew they were looking for a base of operations to do some research on the rebellious group – Crystal Gems were becoming more trouble, and after the Peridot's little stunt with Yellow Diamond, they were sent to investigate the planet.

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