4. Justin Bieber concert!!!

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Selena's POV:

"Goodmorning everyone! Well tonight Justin Bieber is performing here in Miami. If you don't have your tickets well get them already" I woke up to the radio with that announcement. It's a good thing i purchased tickets to JB's concert. Me and the girls are excited to see him in person.

I got out of bed and started doing the usual stuff I do in the morning. I got out of the shower, did my make up and then my phone went off signaling I got a text.

Ameezy- Hey babe after your done. Imma pick you up ;) Okay?

Me- Okay :)

After I sent that. I went to my closet and picked out my outfit. Since I didn't feel like putting something nice today I went throught my jeans rack and looked for a pair of ripped jeans, then went to my shirts rack amd found this cute floral shirt and i grabbed my pair of black vans.

I was ready then I remembered that Austin wants to pick me up. I'm still no comfortable with this dare thing. I mean seriously why me? Why can't it be some other person? But no it had to be me!

Me- Hey I'm ready

Ameezy- Okay. I'm there already anyways

Me- K

I put 'Ameezy' as Austin's name on my contacts cuz well I personally think it's funny yet cute at the same time. I heard a honk outside meaning Austin's here.

"I'M LEAVING!!! BYE MOM BYE DAD!!!" I yelled out.

I walked out of my house and saw Austin waiting. I hopped in and he started driving.

"I heard on the radio that JB is coming into town and having a concert" He said breaking the silence.

"Yeah and?" I said.

"Just saying" He said.

"Well me and the girls are going to his concert tonight..." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because we've been planning this for along time so...." I said.

"Justin is just a faggot" He said.

"Your just jelly cuz he's better looking than you" I said teasing him.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. You know I'm better looking than him" He said.

"I don't know. I mean Bieber is beating you..." I said.

"No way! That's impossible!" He said.

"Oh. Is someone getting jealous?" I was teasing him.

"Whatever. Let's just drop this conversation" He said.

"Okay" I said. "He's still better than you doe" I whispered so softly so he wouldn't hear me.

"What was that?" He said.

"Nothing" I said.


Me amd the girls were hanging out in the hallways talking about Justin Bieber. One things we all have in common is JB. That is of course.

"I can't believe were going to see him live!" Riley said.

"I know I'm super excited!" Cassie responded to Riley's comment.

"Do you think he'll notice us?" Melissa asked.

"Of course he'll notice all of us. I mean we are going to be front row that is of course" I said.

"I really hope so" Mel said.

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