Chapter 2 |:| Megatronus Appears

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"Hold on, just one more day
  Hold on, I know you'll find a way"

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I awoke to the sound of my alarm going, Why did I always have to wake up early? Oh, right. I'm a fragging gladiator! I opened my optics only to close them again as the bright light hurt. I moaned in annoyance, sometimes I hated the pits. All the early mornings and late nights there was nothing I really liked except the training room. I love that place, definitely my favourite.

     I rolled out of bed forgetting about my wound. I coudn't worry about old wounds when I had a match in three days, I needed to train and prepare myself for the fight against Fireblade, I don't really want to kill the young mech but, those are the rules to a challenge.

     As I stretched I grabbed my dual-bladed spear and put it on my back, then took my twin dark energon katanas and attached them to my hips. I was going to have some fun today maybe go out on a trip. I heard Northstar, one of the data clerks in Iacon wanted me to visit. The reason? Apparently she wanted me to be the 'extra security' for a festival there. I didn't have anything better to do so I accepted.

     I only had to be there at 6pm and it was 5am now and it took about two hours to get there, so I had about 11 hours until I had to leave. There was not much to do in those hours so I would spend most my time in the training room wearing myself down. I knew it wasn't the best idea but I was bored what else would you expect a gladiator to do? Sit around and twiddle my thumbs? No I would train to my hearts content.

     Over and over again I hit the training dummy punching it mostly. I could tell my knuckles were turning a shade of dark blue, I checked the time it was 11am. Why can't time go any faster? I thought sighing sadly. I walked back to my quarters and dropped my weapons on the berth. I rubbed my aching knuckles and decided I would head to the wash racks to get cleaned off before heading to Iacon.

     You would think that the halls of a gladiator pit would be filled with noise and busy mechs and femmes especially since there was a match at least every single day, but no the halls were quiet, actually the lower halls were quiet, I was on the forth level underground so, these halls were quieter than the halls above. That's where most of the action happened. Most of the other gladiators would stand by the gates and watch the fight that was going on. Not what I would do but whatever they want to do is up to them.

     Finally I reached the femme washracks and opened the door, thank goodness no one was in there otherwise it would have been awkward. Though I had gotten used to it. I turned on the shower and stepped under the warm oil, I cleaned up quickly and stepped out turning off the shower as I did so. As I dried myself I stared into the mirror and looked at my yellow optics. They were rare to say the least, I still never knew why I had to be the different one, but as they say 'You can't blend in when you were made to stand out'. (anyone know where that's from?)

Sometimes I hated how other bots would give me weird looks when I'd walk past them. I knew it was because of my optics. No one liked it. How I was different, when I first came to these pits the other bots teased me and bullied. I tried to ignore it though I couldn't. I had showed them how tough I was. I had worked my way to the top. Now everybot is scared of me. And I like it that way. And I will keep it that way.

I stepped away from the mirror and rubbed my optics. I needed to stop thinking about the past. It's not necessary so I should forget it, it's the best thing to do, for me anyway. My optics scanned the washracks, going over every detail, every microscopic crack until they landed on the clock. 1pm. I still had three hours to burn until I had to leave, it would probably be a good idea if I went to watch Megatronus' fight to see what I have to deal with in the competition. Apparently he's versing. Drumroll please. Cloudrunner. Yea, I know Cloud is an idiot.

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