Chapter 10: An Angel

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I wasn't in the mood for this, but I'd told Jenny I will talk to her later

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I wasn't in the mood for this, but I'd told Jenny I will talk to her later. I should have expected she'd overdo it with fake tears and pretending she gives a f*ck about me. I wasn't drinking tonight, but damn I wish I had a bottle of vodka right now.

After I pulled up in the driveway I notice that the guys were having a party. Great. Now I have to deal with drunk amateurs.

"Are you listening to anything I am saying to you? Oh, Grant! You see he's not listening to me!" She said while faking a sob. I should've known Dad was listening to our conversation.

"Tyler! Your Aunt is talking to you, boy, you better answer her!" He roar.

I pull the phone away from my ear. I heard my mother said something which my father silence her.

I closed my eyes tightly and took a deep breath. Keeping my calm was important. Losing it with Jenny and Dad again wouldn't help anything. Especially when they both would blame Mom for my lack of respect. When I opened my eyes, I leveled my gaze at the front door.

"I told you I will give you my answer in a month time and that's final."

We were silent for a few moments, and I waited for her to say something. Whatever she was deciding needed to be dealt with carefully. Jenny held the power to ruin things for me.

"Fine, one month. Or I am coming there myself and you going to give me my answer to my face." Jenny finally answerd.

"Okay." I kept my voice neutral as I picked up a piece of paper and crumple it into a ball, but inside? Inside, I was fighting the urge to tell her to fuck off.

This is bullshit.

The line went dead.

That was it. For now.

My truck door was suddenly jerked open and a girl with brown short hair tucked behind her ears stood on the other side holding a red cup.

"I was waiting on you to come inside, but if you wanna stay out here it's even better," she said as she runs her long pink fingernail down my chest.

"Not interested. It's time for you to go", I replied taking her hand off my chest and gently push her out of my face.

"What?" she replied. The confused expression on her face said she hadn't been expecting this.

"You heard me. Go!" I wasn't in the mood for this shit right now.

"You fucking bastard! I-" She shouted.

Well, it looks like she never been rejected before. I turned and give her my death stare and she shut up so fast I was surprised she didn't bite her tongue off.

I was exhausted. I just wanted a shower and go to bed.

I turned to pick up the shopping bags on the passager seat and a smile appear on my lips when I saw the pack of gummy bear Hannah gave me. I never when shopping with a girl before except for my mom.

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