Chapter 12: You Like Watching Me Sleep Or Something?

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Chapter 12: You Like Watching Me Sleep Or Something or Who Are You? Edward Cullen?

Dedicated to Sparkly23 for helping me with the Hindi words for Anna! Thanks! And please dont comment in Hindi, I'm sorry I dont speak it at all.

Off to the side is a picture of Tristan! COMMENT AND VOTE!!!! PLEASE and THANKS!

I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we're all teachers - if we're willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door.-Marla Gibbs

December’s Pov. (NOT EDITED AT ALL Barely even looked over)

I started to get ready at about five o’clock; Hunter still paying attention to the television. When he saw that I was picking out clothes, he finally spoke.

“Where are you going?” He looked away from the TV and at me. I was digging in my closet laying out a pair of dark blue jeans and a shaggy sweater since it was going to be nighttime and chilly.

“I’m going to a football game with Anna.” I replied pulling a black pair on converse from under my bed. I grabbed my clothes and headed to the bathroom to get changed. When I got back my window was open and there was a note on my bed. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion on where the annoying boy in my room just went. I only took like five minutes.

I picked up the note Hunter left and read it.

I’ll meet you there. I decided that you won’t have as much fun if I’m not there.-Hunter

Despite how much I tried to fight it, I smiled at the note. The fact that he was even bothering to let me know was a very sweet thing to do. I stuffed the note in my drawer next to the one he left the first time he bumped into me, and the one he left when he took me to the movies.

I texted Anna that I was ready, but she was already waiting outside my house. Unlike me, Anna was a great driver. She was in the front seat of her dark red Cobalt applying chapstick in the mirror.

I pulled the door open, getting in and then pulling my seatbelt on. I looked at my best friend and she smiled at me. “You ready?” I only nodded, wondering how this experience was going to be.

“Hey, I just noticed something. You said something about jealous Hunter. Why’d you think he was going to be there?” I asked my eyes observing our surroundings as the many houses passed us by. The drive was smooth, not many feeling any of the bumps or imperfections of the road because he newer car.

“Because if it has anything to do with you, he’ll be there. Face it, the boy likes you.” She replied whimsically.

I glared at her, “Actually he just wants to have sex with me—which he isn’t going to get. But he will be there at the game. You got me there.”

“Whatever you say December, that boy is hot though, you have to admit.” She said fanning herself. We were at a stoplight so I took the opportunity to lightly hit her on the arm. “What?” She squealed at my attack, “Come on December everyone knows he is. Aww but Hunter accha dikhta hai. (Hindi: Hunter's good looking)”

I sighed and shook my head reluctantly, “Yeah I know. He really is pretty cute and apparently the hazel eyes run in the family. Even his little sister and mom have them.” I shrugged looking back out the window.

“What?” Anna screeched stomping on her breaks a little too quickly causing us to fly forward, to be caught by our seatbelts. Luckily no one happen to be on the street we were driving on. We were on a regular street, heading towards the highway.

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