You Bitch!

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{{Edited - 12/05/2020}}

^Allie's PoV^

I'd had about enough of the child's crying. After trying to fall asleep in the car she'd ended up bursting into tears.

"Just shut up you little brat!" Her crying stopped and she was snivelling now.

I looked at the time and figured that they'd have probably made me right now and because I gave my name I'd be in so much shit.

But they'd never find me.

I stopped the car and then pulled my hood up, then I got Lilly out and covered her with a blanket. Leaving my car was the best option as I made my way down backstreets and avoided the security cameras.

I arrived at the place I'd rented and opened the door, the house was dingy and unkempt but most of all it stood alone on a desolate street.

I walked into the basement and set the child on the bed I'd already bought and handcuffed her to the bed.

"Now stay there and be quiet. Do you hear me?" I ask and the trembling girl nods.

She lays down and cuddles a teddy she had.

I walk back upstairs not giving any sort of a damn about the child. I never wanted children and that was all ever Grace talked about.

I'd been following them around for almost 4 months. Waiting for the right time.

I knew about everything, from their miscarriage to their current pregnancy. Where they lived, where their loved ones lived.

I was going to make her pay for ever finding someone new. She didn't deserve anyone, and she certainly didn't deserve the family she had.

^Gracie's PoV^

I sat nursing a cup of tea, that had gone cold. My eyes were red and puffy from crying and I was worn out, I just wanted my little girl back safe and sound.

If that bitch did anything to hurt Lilly then she'd never know what hit her, well it would be my fist.

Frankie had gone to try and sort a plan out, all of 2 Section and two of special forces were in the communications room, I couldn't bring myself to go in there.

I felt Theo kicking me and I rest my hand on my belly, I felt huge, far bigger at 7 months than when I'd been pregnant with Lilly but I didn't question it, there was nothing abnormal on the scans, even though I thought I could see something whenever we went I just convinced myself that my eyes were playing tricks on me.

I heard the door beside me slam open.

"We know where they are, we're all going in and I promise we're bringing our baby back." Frankie said as he knelt down beside me, holding my hands.

"I'm coming..she won't recognise everyone and I want to be there. I'll wear a protective vest and I'll go in, and don't try to stop me babe." I say, a flicker of anger stirred in my eyes.

"Come on then, let's go get our princess." Frankie helps me up and we go to the van, I watch as he gets kitted up and then we drive to the destination.

- - -

My heart was pounding. We'd parked up a block away, the house in question stood alone on the road.

I'd been fitted with a bulletproof vest and a mic. I was to go inside, alone and try and reason with Allie. Though I couldn't even bear to look that psychotic woman.

I got out of the van and made the short trek to the house. Behind me I could hear the boys follow.

I reached the door and then raised my hand and knocked.

"Allie! It's Grace, I'm alone..let me in.." I say and the door clicks and then she slowly opens the door.

As soon as it's opened wide enough she drags me in roughly and I fall to the floor. She slams the door shut and locks and bolts it.

"You bitch! Where the hell is my daughter?" I shout, thankful to have landed on my coccyx and not my belly.

"I'll take you to her.." A haunting grin was on her face and she pulled me up by my hair and unlocks the basement door, she shoves me and I tumble down the concrete stairs and lie limp at the bottom. I held my hands on my belly and hope to god that Theo was okay.

"Mama!" I heard Lilly shout. I push myself up despite the pain in my back.

I look at her and it brings me to tears, she's handcuffed to a rusty bed. Her eyes are red and puffy and she's clutching onto Winnie the Pooh for dear life.

I make myself stand up and then walk over to her. Fishing a grip out of my hair I begin to jimmy at the lock and it soon gives and I take Lilly's hand from the shackles.

I pull her close to me and she buries her head in my neck. I make sure to hold her tightly. I never ever wanted to let her go again.

I sit her back on the mattress and start to check for injuries, apart from a slightly red wrist she's fine. I gently stroke her face with my thumb.

"My poor baby, you're so so brave. Mama is so proud of you. I promise I'll never let you out of my sight again." I cuddle her close to me again and then I hear a commotion upstairs, someone's trying to unlock the door at the entrance to the basement and then I hear a sound that makes my blood run cold.

A gunshot rings out and I cover Lilly's ears. The door finally bursts open and I see Elvis and Ollie at the top of the stairs.

Ollie runs down and takes Lilly from me and Elvis isn't far behind. He helps me up and I wince. The pain in my back was more prominent now.

"Grace..she shot Frankie in the arm. It's a flesh wound but it's pretty deep. He's en route to hospital. We apprehended Allie and the police are dealing with her now. I want to get you checked out as well." Elvis ends up having to carry me when my legs buckle beneath me.

The next hour is such a blur. I was checked over by the doctors and was told I had extensive bruising to my lower spine. I had to take it easy but I was okay.

Lilly was absolutely fine but she was glued to my side. I was just about to go and see Frankie.

I opened the door and smiled, tears falling down my cheeks. He opens his arms and I accept the hug. Lilly embraces him too.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I whisper and bury my head in my husbands neck.

"I'll never leave you angel, not you or Lilly ever." He says and kisses my forehead.

I was so glad that he was okay and Lilly was okay too. I had my family back and safe and that was all that mattered.


Update number 1 of today!

I'm going to be writing the next chapter and should hopefully be posting it later.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and as usual my blossoming readers good day/night.


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