Chapter Nine

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

"You're different." Kirstin said as she and Oran walked to school the next morning.

"I've been hearing that a lot recently," Oran responded. "Why are you saying it?"

"Yesterday you stood up to Brent and Jonas in the café. Then you took them both down when they jumped you in the pool. And what you did to Neel! No one knows what to make of you now."

"Does anyone realize I've been in the boxing club for three years? Or that I've been doing parkour even longer. I don't know why people assume that, because I avoid violence, I must be a wimp."

"Did you change because of the kidnapping or the accident?" She looked at him thoughtfully.

"Yes ... no ...I don't know. You do realize we're teenagers. We change all the time. It's pretty much the definition of adolescence." Oran pulled her into a doorway, out of the pedestrian traffic.

"Both those events affected me. They showed that life is short and you don't always have time to play it safe. I guess I just decided to start taking chances and living large. Or larger than I have been at least. I don't want to turn into Eric or anything."

She smiled at the joke. The smile melted away. "I wish I could take chances."

"Why can't you? Your life seems pretty charmed from the outside."

"Well it sucks from in here!" she flared. He put his hand on her arm in support. She grabbed it and squeezed.

"What is it?" he asked. He had enough experience with girls her age to realize something was eating at her.

"Fuck ..." she muttered, "might as well. Maybe you can help."

"I can try."

"Dad, Eric, and Noreen are all pushing me to date Jonas. And I don't want to." Tears started down her cheeks.

"Pushing you how?" Oran asked.

"Dad says it would help him in a business deal with Mrs. Thaler." Kirstin's voice showed her desperation. "Eric has basically ordered me to hook up with Jonas at Noreen's party tomorrow night. And she says I have to be there or I can kiss cheer, and the rest of my life at Westminster, goodbye."

"What do you want?"

"I don't even really like Jonas. He's an asshole."

"Of the first magnitude," Oran agreed. "But what do you want?"

"I just want to go to school and have fun. I don't want to become some sort of bargaining chip for Dad or some bone that Eric throws to his dogs." Kirstin started pacing in the semi-sheltered doorway. "And I don't want to be a bitch on Noreen's leash. I thought she was my friend." She turned and threw herself into Oran's arms.

He held on to her as she wept. "Have you talked to Mom?"

"Why ..." she spoke between sobs, "She never stands up for you ... Why should she for me?"

"I'll stand up for you," he said as he patted her back. "You want me to tell Eric and Jonas to back off?"

"Will you come to Noreen's party with me?" she sniffled and looked down at him with wet, hope-filled eyes. Oran noticed, that like many classmates, she was taller than him.

Oh, Jesus wept ... I'd rather go back to 'Nam, he thought. But what he said was, "Sure, if that's what you want."

"Oh thank you! Thank you." She hugged him and started smiling. Then grabbing his hand, she started dragging him towards school. "Come on! We'll be late."

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