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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

So after the Avengers chased Loki around the Earth, literally, they found us in the Tower. Loki was being really considerate, he took me to various parts of the world, and to be honest, this was better than a world tour. However, Fury was even more furious when we returned, and so were the others. They were jealous, and I have no idea why.

Steve shot dirty glares towards Loki and Thor was unimpressed. Bruce and Natasha were watching TV, Tony was talking to Pepper on the phone, arguing about whatever. Fury was eating a sandwich, and Coulson was seemingly enthralled by Steve. I snickered, Loki took a seat and began reading. Deadpool was tied up in webs and hanging outside the window, Spidey was keeping an eye on him. Flug was checking out the lab. Fury pulled me aside.

"About this Black Hat thing, care to explain" he pointed accusedly at me.

"Oh ummm... sure?" I said, sounding like I wasn't sure of myself. I facepalmed. After a small discussion with the great avengers council, we all again settled in the lounge.

"So, who will interrogate the guy?" Tony asked us.

"Count me out" I said first.

"I don't want to either" Flug leaned back in his seat lazily. Everyone looked at Natasha.

"Don't expect anything from me guys, I really don't feel like interrogating right now" she gave Bruce a loving glance. He nervously smiled back at her. I sweatdropped, Tony, Steve and Clint exchanged glances.

"I will go!" Thor spoke up.

"No" we all said together.

"Well, since no one feels like interrogating, let's go get some shwarma, who's with me?" Tony asked. Me and Flug raised our hands. Others soon joined.

And so we started our adventure to the restaurant to get shwarma. The real problem begun after we returned. We still didn't knew who will interrogate the demon. After digging over it for hours, I decided to validate. They agreed rather quickly that I could imagine them formulating the plan yo refuse to go just so I would finally validate and do it, what the hell people. And so I stand in front of the cell, having no idea what to say or ask.

"What are you doing here? Why did you came here?" I managed to speak out from my flurry of confusion and random thoughts, I am glad that I didn't stutter.

"I thought it was obvious, I came here to find you and bring you back" He spared me a sassy side look as he stood in the farthest corner, his back facing me, his arms were crossed.

"Why?" I croaked out, curios to know his answer, yet not at the same time.

"You belong to me, and no one else, you better accept that before you lose anything" he rolled his eye. I gulped, fidgeting in my position, he's being creepy.

"Why did you attack this place?" I asked him, looking at my oh great covered feet.

"I was terribly frustrated at not being able to find you, so it all just came out" Black Hat answered "and I would have attacked even if you weren't here" he snickered "just imagining them die sends shivers down my body" he shivered excitedly "no one would have been able to save these guys either, they should be glad you were here" he ended with a grin, turning to my with a smug look, his arms still crossed.

"O-oh... I'm sorry for all this trouble" I continued looking down, his mentality is sick, then again, why am I so surprised? I know him well enough to know this.

"Don't think too much, your little mind won't be able to handle that, it's not your fault" he waved me off with an insult. I just ignored the urge to insult him back, biting the inside of my cheeks, this asshole.

"Well, I can get you out if you promise we will go straight home and you won't destroy anything" I offered as I looked at his furrowed face.

"Deal" he nodded, relaxing his facial muscles and dropping his hands to his sides. I nodded back in relief, this went peacefully, good.

As I returned to the lounge, I explained everything, well, it's finally time to go back for me, Flug and oh t Black Hat. Flug dragged in Deadpool, and Black Hat walked in with Steve and some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Lcukily for me, the departure was easy, once Deadpool dropped us, he disappeared.

Good enough for me, Black Hat spared me from the torture. It's better than anything. And he even let me have a week off with my family. I don't know what happened to make him like this, but it's nice to finally spend some time with others. And I'm ecstatic about it.

They were happy to meet me, as expected. We all hugged, and shed a few tears, then went for a picnic. I can surely say that family time is the best time. And I am blessed to be with my family.

As I returned to the mansion after a whole week, Black Hat surprisingly greeted me nicely. And to be honest, his new found behaviour is creeping me out, but it's good.

He's been super nice to me, as nice as a Black Hat can be. I'm getting used to this place more quicker, and the others, Arthur, Izet and Jason, well, they meet up with me frequently, but Black Hat isn't very fond of them.

I am starting to love this life, who might have guessed that Black Hat would change so suddenly.

Black Hat's P.O.V.:

I hate myself for being nice, for having fallen for her. But there is nothing I can do, I am in love and that's it, I can't even bring myself to hurt her. At least she seems happy, it makes me satisfied. I'll make sure she falls in love with me, even if I have to get her love by some..... Unappealing methods. It doesn't matter, I'll get her love and that's it.

I'll protect her from everything, don't worry my little birdie, I won't let any harm come to you~

Author chan here, this book is fully completed now, and of course, I am on my way to create the second book.

I am trying my best, and it's a yandere too, so yeah. First time writing a yandere, it might be shitty so bear with me. Fact, it is a standalone despite being a sequel, but oh well.

I'll notify you when it'll be out, that is, if you wish. ^^



As promised, it's a standalone, and a *drum roll* yandere! I made some edits to my plot on how to end the story, and now I'm excited because I think you will like it. I hope.

I'm probably more excited than anyone lol.

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