Chapter 4

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Shuichi got to class early. He was hoping to talk to Kaito before Kokichi got in the way. Even if his crush wouldn't like him back, he still enjoyed alone time with him. He couldn't hold back the smile as he noticed Kaito sitting on Maki's desk, however Maki hadn't arrived yet. "Good morning, Momota" Shuichi greeted as he approached the taller boy.

Kaito looked over in his direction as a grin stretched across his face. "Hey, there's my sidekick!" He responded. "Good morning!"

Shuichi let out a quiet laugh before responding. "Why are you sitting on Harukawa's desk?" He quizzed, tilting his head to the side slightly/ He noticed the astronaut's cheeks tint. Something he had never seen before. He wished he could see him blush just for him but of course that wasn't a possibility.

Kaito rubbed the back of his neck, his lopsided grin changing to a sheepish one. "Well, I was gonna tell Maki roll how I feel about her as soon as she got here" he replied.

The detective felt a wave of sadness wash over him as he held his breath. He saw this coming but the answer was still painful. He nodded slowly. "Ah, g-good luck" he looked down at the floor.

However, Kaito picked up on his body language. "Is something wrong, Sahara?" He asked, causing the shorter boy to jump a little & snap his head back up.

"No, sorry! I was just... " He trailed off as he thought up an excuse.

"You don't have to apologise" Kaito waved a hand, chuckling a little. Apologising so much was a bad habit Shuichi needed to drop.

"Sor-" he gulped before he was able to utter the word. "I was wondering where Kokichi was". He was proud of himself for coming up with a believable lie on the spot, something that rarely happened.

Kaito nodded, ruffling his sidekick's hair as he hopped off the desk. "Looks like you don't have to wonder anymore, your boyfriend is here" he pointed out, nodding in the direction Kokichi. He had just entered the room, rubbing an eye with his hand as he let out a yawn. The astronaut then left the room, presumably to look for Maki.

After Kokichi noticed Kaito walking past him, he scanned the room for Shuichi. Once he spotted him, he seemed to suddenly wake up as he dashed towards him. "There you are, my beloved" he giggled, capturing the other in a hug.

The detective's cheeks heated up at the nickname, this was new. "B-beloved?" He repeated, covering his face with one hand.

Kokichi rolled his eyes. "Of course, we're dating so you need pet names" he replied matter-of-factly, as if Shuichi was supposed to know this information.

"O-oh" The raventte simply replied. Lucky for him, the only other people in the class this early were Himiko who was busy sleeping, Gonta who was playing with a cockroach on his desk & Angie who was too focused on whatever she was sketching out. He let out a small sight of relief when he noticed this.

"So" Kokichi drew out the word, pulling away from the hug. Shuichi shot him a confused look, as if to tell him to continue. "Do you have a pet name for me?" The taller boy could've sworn he heard Kokichi's voice crack a little.

"Uh.. I'll think of one" He pushed out the words, speaking lowly.

The supreme leader gave him a satisfied smile, poking the other's nose. "Alrighty! Don't bust a brain cell" he teased. He then decided to stop the embarrassing conversation while more students flocked into the room. Including Tenko, who would surely scold them. & Rantaro, he probably wouldn't let Kokichi hear the end of this.

"Amami, what are you wearing?" Shuichi asked, pointing out the strange shirt Rantaro was wearing. Now that he mentioned it, Rantaro was wearing a dark green shirt with red roses on it, definitely not a shirt Kokichi had seen before.

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