Returning to rumors

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*present day*
Blake had returned home on her own. An... interesting boat journey which included fighting off an enormous Grimm during the trip had kept her mind from dwelling on what she was doing... for a while at least. As the ship began to pull into the docks, she couldn't help but think about that night. Of the kiss that led Y/n to leave. She'd seen his semblance take him over at points but never to the extent that occurred that night.

Captain: "well we're nearly there. Thank you again for saving the ship young lady."

Blake: "all in a days work I guess."

Captain: "for someone who's just saved an entire ship full of people... you don't seem very enthusiastic. Something you'd want to unload onto an old sailor?"

The captain leant on the railing next to her

Blake: "I'm kinda dreading stepping on land."

Captain: "oh? Something about the island?"

Blake: "no, someone... several someones actually."

Captain: "parents?"

Blake: "yeah, how'd you know?"

Captain: *chuckle* "I'm not just a handsome face young huntress. So, what's scares you about seeing them?"

Blake: "it's... it's been a long time since I've seen them."

Captain: "regardless of time, they're your parents. They'll welcome you with open arms. So who else?"

Blake: "an old boyfriend... we didn't exactly part on the best of circumstances."

Captain: "was he cheating on you with another young lass?"

Blake: "no... I um. I kissed his brother."

Captain: "oh now that's... that's a tricky one."

Blake: "I can't stop thinking about him."

Captain: "well either way, if you'll take some advise from an old sea dog?"

Blake: "of course captain."

Captain: "stay away from the jungles... there's something wrong in them, something that stares through the jungle at you... piercing red eyes. Scares even the most seasoned of sailors to their core. Good luck young lady."
The captain began to walk back to the ships helm, leaving Blake to ponder what he had said...

*timeskip Blake's POV*

With the warning from the captain still echoing through my mind I slowly make my way up towards my family home, every now and again stopping to ask shopkeepers about Y/n or this supposed creature in the jungle, either of which gain me only solemn stares of grief. Not a good sign...

After a heartwarming reunion with mom and dad, I feel like there's one more thing I need to ask them about

Blake: "has anyone seen Y/n? Last I heard he came home after... we had a disagreement."

Ghira: "I haven't seen him for almost... 2 years. He did come and see us briefly. He told me what had happened and that he wasn't intending on coming back. He walked into the jungle never to be seen again. Poor boy."

Blake: "what do you mean?"

Kali: "what your father means dear, is that when he went in... you may want to take a seat. What we have to say isn't pleasant."

Blake sat on the sofa, Ghira sitting beside her and wrapping an arm around her comfortingly.

Kali: "Y/n went into the forest and... the whole island could hear the screams Blake. We sent out search parties and all they found were his clothes, bloody and torn... I'm sorry."

Mothman's Feral scream- Cheater Blake X male faunus readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon