'I know when i'm not needed'

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There's a day when are hearts will be broken, where the shadow will cast out the light. Well, that day came for me 2 years ago... my name is Y/n Langstrom. These days I'm an outcast, a hermit. No one's seen my face for a long time... at least my true face. I'm a monster. A creature of anger and hatred, and it all began on a boat...

We were sailing into the docks of Menagerie, my brother Adam decided we all deserved a break after our last mission. We had successfully attacked another Schnee dust supply, and freed several Faunas workers... but at a cost. During the attack, Adam took it upon himself to attack and kill the guards of the supply Bullhead along with the pilot! It crashed into an innocent mans farm, killing him and his family... they had nothing to do with this... any of this!

I'm sat on my bed in the cabin I shared with Blake, my hands in my lap and my head hung low. I hear the door open, and in walks Blake

Blake: "hey, you coming to the mess hall? We're having a party to celebrate our success."

Y/n: "yeah... so much success over here. Look at us everybody! The white fang, killers of innocent farmers, and freer of slaves!"

Blake: "you're still upset about that?"
I stand up and walk towards her, my hands becoming more claw like as my emotions get the better of me

Y/n: "of course I am! This- this was just another thing my brother does out of impulse! All he had to do was incapacitate the guards on the ship, I could have flown the entire bullhead loaded with highly volatile dust crystals out of harms way, we could have saved lives today, but instead he decided to just let it fall! There's a line you just don't cross and he crossed it today!"
Blake hugs me tightly calming me slightly, my hands begin to return to their normal size and shape

Blake: "it's what must be done."

Y/n: "must be done? Blake, killing those who are trying to kill us, that must be done to survive, ok I can understand that! But innocent people?!"

Blake: "he knows what he's doing, he does it for the good of all Faunas."

Y/n: "yeah well... he doesn't represent me. This isn't the white fang I wanted."

Blake: "what are you saying?"

Y/n: Blake... I'm saying that the white fang shouldn't be like this, we're supposed to be peaceful! We're acting like terrorists these days, and Adam is the worst culprit-"

Blake pushes away from me
Blake: "Adam is our leader, and your brother! I can't believe you'd just turn your back on him!"

Y/n: "I'm not turning my back on anyone! Babe, please listen to me. Come with me. Get out while you still can, Adam Taurus is bad news!"

Blake: *scoff* "I can't believe you right now!"
She turns and storms out of our room.

Y/n: "Blake! Blake please wait!" She slams the door and I can hear the tapping of her boots getting quieter "Great, well done Y/n..."

*small timeskip*
I head up to the top deck quietly. I know this is where Blake prefers to sit and think after something upsets her, in this case me... as I round the corner I can hear murmured voices, one's Blakes, and the others... my brother Adam. I hide in the shadows wrapping my black wings around me to hide me further, and listen in

Blake: "I just can't believe he's planning on leaving!"

Adam: "it's not your fault. He never truly believed in our cause."

Blake: "*sigh* "I just... I though I knew him."

Adam: "I know... I know. He doesn't deserve you Blake. You should be with someone who truly appreciates you" Adam places his hand under her chin and looks at her "...like me"
She looks into his eyes as he looks back into hers... theres a pause. Their lips begin to meet passionately, their faces silhouetted in the moonlight. I feel my chest grow heavy, my heart shatters into hundreds of pieces as I watch them... I feel my hands grow longer and my nails become claw like. My wings unfold themselves and elongate as my semblance begins to take hold from my emotions. I walk out of the shadows a few metres from them.

Y/n: "well then... I know when I'm not needed."

The pair pull away from each other and look at me, my back hunched as my semblance continues to morph my form
Blake: "Y/n! I-It's not what it looks like! I can explain!"

A single tear falls from my eye... I look at her once more, then up to Adam who's smiling wickedly as he's finally gotten what he wants. I spread my wing and fly into the air, heading off across the sea

*no one's POV*

Y/n flies off at incredible speed as his body continues to twist and contort further and further

Blake: "Y/n! Wait please!"
Adam places a hand on her shoulder.

Adam: "Blake... you don't need him. Right?"

Blake: "y-yeah... he never believed in the cause."
Adam grins maliciously behind her as they watch Y/n's silhouetted body fly further and further away, becoming little more than a speck on the horizon.

Adam grabs his communicator from his belt
Adam: "change of plans. We're heading for Haven, set course!"

*end of flashback*
So now I live alone on Menagerie, away from anyone I could hurt. The locals sometimes see me while I'm out hunting and think I'm some kind of Grimm, I just find it funny. Grace is my only friend, a Sea Osprey who's screech scares the locals almost as much as I do! I sometimes think about Blake and Adam. I hear some news when people are tracking through the jungle and are chatting amongst themselves. Seems the white fang took out Beacon academy. I bet Blake and Adam were behind that.  I just hope she never finds me...

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