it was enough

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After cleaning up the mess that had been made, Harry and Isla reheated dinner and sat down, chatting about something that was bound to come up.

"Harry," She spoke quietly, "What are we supposed to do about this?" Her hand gestured between them, her eyebrows bunching together with concern.

He sighed. "I'm not sure, darling. I," he paused and laughs slightly. "I don't know what you want this to be."

"I think I'm beginning to like you more than I should."

Silence met the room and she looked up at him, her eyes glazed over with tears. "You can't. Harry, you cannot like me."

"I know bu-"

"You're married to my mother, for God's sakes!" She cried, fat tears slowly working their way down the smooth skin of her young face.

He brought his hands up, the pad of Harry's thumb swiping away stream that begun at her eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Is. I know that's what you're afraid of."

She sniffled and moved her big eyes up to his. "You don't understand, Harry. It's the worst feeling in the world."

"I'm 16, and I've already had my heart broken. And, and for some reason I feel like I'm already running out of time; like it's almost too late for me."

"Sweetheart, I know how you feel. I know, because just as quickly as your mother captured my heart, she also broke it just as fast."


His bottom lip trembled before he pressed his mouth into a thin line. "I know that she's cheating on me; and I should've seen it coming because she did the same to your father."

Isla stares at him and he continues, knowing that it makes sense. Her heart hurts for him but she knows that he probably knew about this for a while. He doesn't feel guilty about wanting to be around her because they have a broken relationship. Yet, he still does all of these things for her. He makes her breakfast and looks after her when she's tired, practically raising her daughter.

"I went to the hospital a few months ago to drop off some lunch to her, but the receptionist told me she'd already clocked out. I waited around the next week and saw her leaving with this guy - looked about 25. I know I'm getting older but I didn't think I was undesirable."

"And then her phone buzzed a few times in the early hours of the morning, woke me up. It confirmed my suspicions when this guy had messaged her pictures of himself - to put it nicely."

Her eyes drooped and she reached out for Harry's large hand. "Oh." She murmured, not wanting to cause him any further pain. But then, Isla felt the anger towards her mother, realising that she'd done it again.

"God! I should've known, you know? If she's broken a good mans heart before, she'll do it again. She'll do it to the guy at the hospital, then maybe someone younger - she might even hang around Universities and pick up men there!" She growled.

"Is don-"

"Don't tell me not to worry about it. I know, I know that what has happened with us is almost worse, but you're so good to her Harry. She doesn't deserve any part of you, no one does."

Harry cupped her face in his palm as she sniffled, her brown eyes filled with tears that threatened to spill out. "You're too good for the world."

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