you know, legal age

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Her limp body stiffened at the feeling of arms wrapped around her when she finally woke up. Isla turned her body to see Harry in his morning state, stubble, messy hair and parted lips that were plump as always. She flicked her thoughts back to last night, remembering how she refused to watch Theo at this party with a new girl, his hands gripping her bum as he thrust his tongue down her throat. So she thought about Harry and how he made her feel - wanted, and beautiful and so different to anyone he'd ever craved before. Before she knew it her fingers were moving down and her dress was lifting up to relieve the ache between her legs as she thought about the older man. That was it, he was a man and not a boy like Theo.

Her eyes catch onto his belt strewn on the left side of her room and she closes them trying to relive the feeling of him going down on her, with pure control. And then she saw the silky material at the edge of her bed and her cheeks flushed at the memory of him being able to watch her writhe, her being unaware of his intentions.

Then she thought about him telling her what to do, and that he wanted her to touch herself in front of him but she was so high off of her orgasms and the small bit of alcohol she'd had, she didn't feel nearly as embarrassed as she would've if she was in a normal state.

His embrace around her loosened and she sat up, looking down at the corset that still clung to her body, realizing that it was about 3 sizes too small, despite her giving Harry her bra size.

"Morning angel." His voice rasps from beside her, before lifting his head up to rest on her stomach so he can look up at her.

"Good morning."

"I can't actually see you." He says, and Isla rolls her eyes.

"That's probably because you got this for someone who wears A cups." He scoffs at her and his gravelly morning voice speaks up once more.

"Yeah but your tits look amazing when they're pushed up like that."

She laughed and tried to push his head away when his lips moved up and starting kiss her chest. "Sometimes I think you're trapped in the body of a horny teenager."

"You make me act like a horny teenager baby." He smiled, not failing to make Isla blush like a schoolgirl - which technically she is.

Harry leaned up to kiss her, his lips brushing hers when the front door slammed and his eyes widened at the realization that his wife was home.

"Harry?" She chirped from the ground floor of the house, and he jumped off of Isla before pulling on his t-shirt.

"Joggers." He spoke to himself and darted to his bedroom, leaving his stepdaughter lying in her bed in her underwear; she wasn't sure how to feel - she understood of course because they could not, under any circumstances, be caught. But she felt a bit, well cheap. Not that Harry made her feel like that, it was just the prospect of rushing around to get dressed and then leaving her alone with her thoughts.

She pulled on some pyjama shorts and a big jumper, retreating downstairs to greet her mother. She walked into the large kitchen to Emilia stirring a mug with what she assumed was green tea next to a plate of buttery toast.

"Hey darling." She said, not looking up to her but acknowledging her daughters presence.


"Would you like a green t- Isla! What the fuck is that!" Her mother, now looking at her is pointing to her neck whilst loudly questioning what happened.

It suddenly struck her that she was referring to a love bite, and thinking back to last night she pin points it to when Harry began his silent assault on her skin.

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