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(next morning)

*lexis pov*

I wake up and the first thing I think to do is call someone and finally get out of here

I call the first person I think so witch is Ashley(my best friend )

*phone convo *

a:hello who is this?

l: Ashley it's me lexi

a: OMG lexi where the fuck are you??

l:well I got kidnapped and it fucking terrible please help me!

I hear someone walking up hear

l: Ashley I have to go don't call this number back

*end of phone call *

I quickly put the phone on my hip between my underwear and shorts

the door opens and I see Shawn

"helloo" he says and starts to walk near me I move over some even though hes nearly the only one I could almost trust I still dislike him

he shuts the door and as soon as he does that the phone starts to ring fml

"what the hell is that"he ask raising his voice

I walk back till I hit a wall and he comes right in front of me

"fucking bitch"he spat he grabs the phone out my my shorts and looks at it

"This is where it went"he said Jack must have noticed it was gone and told them

while I was think about it Shawn slapped me cross the face I gasp

I didnt think he would ever do that.

he kneed me in the stomach and then I fell he kicked my ribs and my face and everywhere else he picked me up by the hair and slammed me against the wall and punched my then the door bell rung

"you got lucky bitch"he says then walks away I slide down the wall crying

*Taylors pov *

me Shawn cam Nash and Matthew are all going to hang out to day since I have Nothing else to do

I got to there door and heard a scream

"that's weird"I though I rung the door bell and Shawn opened it he looked really bumed I'll have to ask him Why later

"hey man" he says

"hey"I say and we bro hug I walk in and sit on the couch

"Where's cam Nash a matt" I ask

"there went out for a bit they should be back in a minute"he says

we talk for a while about random crap

"where's your bathroom "I ask

"go upstairs the go right the go to the end of the hall then go left the it's the last door to your left"He says

I get up and go to the restroom when I walk out I hear someone crying it sounds like it's from the room right across from me so I walk in there and see lexi from the other night

she looked really bad bruises and cuts

the boys wouldn't do this would they?

I walk over to her

"are u Okay "I ask softly

"Y-yeah" she says backing up like shes scared of me

"what happened " I ask I knew the boys had a bad past but I don't think they would do this maybe Cameron did he's pretty violent

"Nothing " she wispers

"did Cameron did this" I ask getting and little mad

she shakes her head

"and Shawn but please don't tell them I told you they will kill me"she says

I was pretty shocked I didn't think Shawn would even think about doing this

"i won't don't worry" i hug her

"can you help me get out"she ask

"get out?" I quositon

"they won't let me leave last time I tried this happened "she said    they fucking kidnapped her! I thought she was really Cameron's girlfriend

"of course I will hear take this"I say handing her my phone

"I'll get a new one the we can stay in contact I have to get back down stairs before Shawn comes looking for me"I say then leave

*Shawn's pov *

I feel like complete shit

I can't believe I did that

Cameron has way to much power over me though I can't say No

I'm happy Taylor came when he did cause stuff could have got much worse the only bad thing about it now is I have to tell Cameron about the phone and I really don't think he will take it well

**Okay this kinda sucked but I'm trying to make it better...thanks to everybody who gave me these ideas... if u have an idea for the next chapter please comment I will love you forever if u do and don't forget to vote!:)

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