Chapter 5

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Yamato was about to sit next to me when Laito did it first and waved his finger side to side and gave him the look meaning 'Nuh uh, not on my watch buddy'. Yamato rolled his eye and held his hand out as I gave him the book.

"This book contains spells and magic that the Queen has made. You can make your own as well, but for now since your a novice you get to write simple ones like flower growing and other things. When you had training and your powers grew stronger you may write stronger spells like vanishing the evil and such." I was stunned on the information.

"So why didn't my mother vanish evil?" I asked him.

"Well you mother got pregnant at the age of 18 and never got the time for her powers to grow. She was still powerful, but now that her daughter was born she grew weaker. So if you don't get pregnant on an early age you'll need a lot of training and to control the evil inside you." He looked at the brothers when he said 'don't get pregnant on an early age'.

"So when does my training starts?" I asked.

"It starts tomorrow morning. Meaning no more school for you since the training will take the entire day and you sleep early." I nodded at him.

"You can't do that! Just because she needs training she doesn't need to suffer the entire day!" Ayato exclaimed.

"As much as I want to disagree about the training time, she needs them if it's that important." Reiji sighed.

"You can't be serious, Reiji?!" Laito shouted.

"Reiji is right. She'll need a lot of training. She should've started when she was 4 years old by her mother." Yamato said.

"Who do I train with?" I stood up.

"Dru?!" Ayato, Kanato, Subaru, Laito and Kou shouted my name, but I need this training if I have to get rid of all the evil in this world.

"Azuto will train you about your temper and strength. Yuko will train you speed and crafts. I will train you anything that says in this book." I nodded understanding everything.

"Tomorrow you will start you training with me. Next will me Azuto then it will be Yuko. The order of your training repeats."

"Alright. Thanks for letting me know."

"It's not a problem. Now, get some rest you're gonna need it." I bowed towards him and left to get some rest.

"Don't forget about this." I turned as he threw my mothers book which I caught it and hugged it against my chest smiling to him.

"Thank you." I then turned and walked upstairs to my room.

Next day

I began my training as Yamato showed me how to fight. He trained me with no breaks of course. I kept training until night falls and we had to go to dinner. I walked downstairs feeling a little dizzy, but I shook it off. I walked towards the dining room where everyone were talking including my brothers. I couldn't help, but smile at them and joined. Yui and Azusa arrived as well and the looks that Azusa gave to Yamato is very deadly I must say.

"How's training?" Reiji asked me.

"Training is alright. I can feel my powers getting stronger." He nodded his head then ate.

"Did you get any breaks?" He asked looking at me again.

I looked at them not knowing what to say cause I know if I said no they would start arguing again. So I guess I had to lie to them for the first time.

"Yes, I have." I smiled and he nodded.

I looked at Yamato who kept eating not saying a word including Azuto and Yuto. Yui was trying to get their attention thinking that they're vampires as well, but that didn't work out. They would just look at her or ignore her which I couldn't help, but watch the scene and laugh.

"You must eat to gain more energy." Yamato said and I nodded continuing to eat.

"Don't tell her what to do, Human." Yuma growled.

"Yuma, please calm down. It's alright." I assured him and he huffed sitting back down.

I finished eating and excused myself. I felt the world spinning a little, but I ignored completely.

??? POV

"Your majesty. The soul taker has been terminated." One of my servants said.

"By whom?" I asked.

"By a light guardian named Yamato." I growled and slammed my fist on my throne hard causing everyone to flinch in fear.

"That bastard! Why can't he stay where he always belong. He is ruining my plan! We must think fast to get her. If I don't get that girl by dead line I will rip all of your heads off. I want her...NOW!!" They all bowed and began running off.

"Don't ever come back if she's not with you!" I shouted at them and rubbed my temples.

"Master, would you like some relaxation?~" My slave Sarah asked lustfully.

"You know what to do." I demanded and she nodded unzipping my pants.

That girl would be mine and I will rule this world forever. No one will stop me. Not even you Iris.

Beautiful Butterfly (DL x OC) *Discontinue*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora