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Theo Straton^^^

Adeline walked out of the room and huffed in exhaustion.

"What the hell was that about?" Zander, AKA Dr.Knight, asked.

"Remember that time when I talked about my messy marriage. Husband leaving me?" 

His eyes widened,

"Him? Seriously? And he left you.. for that girl?" He asked, disgusted.

Adeline nodded her head, letting the info sink into Zander's mind. As the 2 were giving the Straton's some time alone in the room their other friend, Emersyn, came walking up to them.  She's a cardiac Pediatric surgeon.  Her fiery red hair was tied up to a high ponytail, and her green eyes screamed exhaustion.

"Well, you 2. I am off bed." She said as she handed her charts to nurse.

"Going home?" Zander asked.

"Nope. I'm staying in an on-call room tonight. I just performed a surgery on an 8 month old, and I want to be here just in case anything happens." 

Emersyn was about to walk away but Zander called out,

"Adeline's ex-husband is here!"

Adeline turned to him in shock, and smacked his arm.

"Sure go ahead! Announce it to the whole hospital!" She hissed at him.

Emersyn stopped in her tracks and turned to her only 2 friends.

"He's here? Where! I'll kick his ass right here. Right now!"

"His sister is Adeline's patient. And guess what. He brought the mistress too!" 

Adeline rolled her eyes as she saw how her 2 friends gossiped like they were in high school.

"Can we please stop talking about this. We have more important things to talk about... Oh I don't know.. Removing a tumor from a baby's head who is only 5 months in the womb." She snapped at them.

"I'm coming with you!" Emersyn said, forgetting about sleeping.

"First thing first." Zander said.


"We should probably tell them who the chief of peds surgery is."

Adeline had a smirk on her face,

"I'll tell them."


It was the next day and Kat was scheduled to get her scans this morning. Zander and Adeline were in the next room waiting for the scans to load up. 

"If everything goes bad. What's the plan? Take out the baby?" Zander asked.

"Possibly. If we're in the situation of choosing between saving the baby or mom. We do what we think is best, unless the family tells us otherwise." 

The 2 sat there in silence and Zander decided to ask another question.

"You okay?"

"Not really. I only got like 6 hours of sleep, and I haven't gotten my coffee yet. So I warn you. I may be really cranky today."

Zander chuckled to himself, and spun his chair to where he was facing Adeline.

"Are you okay?" He repeated the question.

She sighed, and turned to him. Knowing exactly what he is asking about.

"How am I suppose to feel? After 4 years, I finally moved on. I accepted the truth. Reality. And all of a sudden he is back. He is probably going to stay for the 5 days until the surgery and the 2 weeks after for Kat to recover. That's basically a month.And to top things off he is still with that girl, and she is nothing but a critic about every single thing I talk about."

Zander leaned back, and let her vent out her feelings.

"I mean. Don't get me wrong. I love his family. I love them like they were my own. They even tried to reach out to me after the divorce. They offered for me to stay in their homes, to pay for my plane ticket, and even offered to buy my own apartment. Like who does that? Obviously they do, and that clearly shows how amazing they are.  They are amazing people. But I can't help but feel this anger and resentment whenever I'm with them because Theo is sitting there with them. My hate and anger for him over powers my love for his family. And what scares me the most is that I think they know that too." 

Adeline ran her hand through her hair, and started to twirl it with her finger. Something she did when she was stressed. 

"I just have to suck it up. This next month. I have to suck it up. I guess I have to pretend that all is forgiven between me and Theo. So Kat won't be stressed, it's important we keep her as calm as possible. I have so many things to say to him, but at the same time I don't think I want to talk to him. Do you ever feel like that? I just.. Ugghh. Why is life to hard." Adeline whined as she threw her head back. 

The 2 were quiet, and then Zander spoke up.

"Adeline. I know you're going to hate me for saying this.. But.. I think you should talk to him."

She turned to him, shocked at what she was hearing.

"I'm not saying that you should forgive him. But I'm saying you 2 need closure. Everyone in the room can feel the tension between you 2. You guys need closure. Talk about some things that need to be talked about. Stuff that he deserves to know." Zander said, hinting about a moment in her life that  even she knows he deserves to know.

Adeline crossed her arms and stared at Zander.

"You think that's the right thing to do?"

"Addy, I know it's the right thing to do." 

Before Adeline could say anything else there was a knock on the door. The 2 turned to see who it was, and of course. It was Theo.


A/N: OOOoooOOO! The first official confrontation since the divorce!! I'm excited(: What do you think Adeline is hiding from Theo? 

P.S. This is unedited, so don't be too harsh about the spelling and grammar. LOL XD

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