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The sound of the door opening caused both of their heads turn towards it. 

"Oh..My..God.." Shrieked a voice.

"Oh my god." Adeline groaned, hating how much bad luck she was getting.

"What the hell is going on Theo?" Serena yelled, storming into the room when she saw how close the 2 were to each other.

"Nothing happened Serena." Theo muttered, as he slowly released Adeline. 

Serena rolled her eyes and then turned to Adeline.

"Listen you little slut, don't you dare lay your hands on my man! Do you understand!" She barked,causing Adeline to roll her eyes and walk out the room. But sad fully Serena still pursued her. 

"How dare you lay your hands on my fiancee! We are having a baby and you are here trying to take him away from me! What kind of selfish monster are you?" She continued to yell.

Adeline turned around, completely appalled that Serena would be this obnoxious and rude in a hospital. Now all eyes were on the 2. 

"You need to leave." She hissed at the shrieking crow.

"You need to leave my man alone!" Serena retaliated.

"Look-" But she was cut off when Serena pushed her at her shoulder.

"You are a nobody! Nothing! Don't you dare come near us again!"

"Serena, calm down! You don't need to put your hands on her." Theo argued.

But Serena, being the spoiled brat she was, ignored him completely.

She then started to walk closer and closer to Adeline, truly testing her patience. She was now only a couple of inches away from her now.

"You repulse me! You disgust me! You deserve nothing. Not even your own baby! And you are-"  But she was cut off by a sudden punch to her face.

She cried out in pain as Adeline stood there, clenching her fist. 

"You punched me! I will sue you! I will end you! I'm pregnant you idiot! You could've killed my baby!" She sobbed and ran away, or at least tried to, in her ridiculous 6 inch heels. 

Adeline was calming down, and when she had realized what she had done she groaned in annoyance.

"I'm so screwed."

Adeline sat in her office, icing her hand. And the door to her office opened. And in came Emersyn.

"Heard you punch the little mistress." She said happily.

Adeline looked at her friend. Confused at the expression Emersyn had on her face.

"Oh come on. She deserved it!" Emersyn said, and right on cue Zander walked in.

"Heard you punched the wicked witch of the west."

"Hell yeah she did!" Emersyn cheered, and the 2 friends high-fived each other.

Adeline sat at her desk, bewildered at her friend's reaction. 

"Guys.. I punched someone at work...In front of all those people." She said slowly, hoping that they'll start taking the situation more seriously. 

"I know! You should have heard the commotion! People loved how you punched her, they all say she deserved it." Zander announced.

Then, the door to the office once again opened and someone else walked in. And it was the one person they were hoping wouldn't have heard of today's event.

"Hey Chief Dan." Adeline said, looking at her boss. She was worried about what he had to say.

He was furious. You could say that his face was as red of a tomato due to his anger.He walked up to the 3 doctors,

"What the hell were you thinking! Punching someone in this hospital! Not just a someone but Serena Blake! Her family could put this hospital out in a blink of an eye!" He shouted.

"Chief, that girl over stept her boundaries. She laid her hands on Adeline first. She then threatened her, and then mentioned the baby and-" Emersyn argued.

"That does not matter! I passed by that girl in the hallways and she was demanding the best lawyer, and you bet your ass this hospital is not equipped to face whatever wrath the Blake family will bring to us."

"What do you want me to do? Turn back time and let the girl spit all over me, stomp all over me as if I was dirt under her shoes? Let her treat me like trash?"

Dan crossed his arms and gave a stern look at Adeline. That's when it hit her. She rolled her eyes and announced,

"I have to go apologize to that disgusting woman." 

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