19 ~ Mrs. Nanmaya Mahish Aurora

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Hey peepzzz.. How are you all?

The chapter is going to be too steamy. So don't ask me how you can do like this any personal experience? My answer is no. I'm a happy single girl.

Papa,Mama(Aurora couple), Mom, Dad(Mehra couple). Don't get confused.

If anyone wants to hit me because of leap I happily welcome you all. Hehe *wink wink*


After 10 Years

Nanmaya's POV

He was not at all happy that too on his birthday. He wants to stay alone, so I left him in the music room itself. I knew it because of yesterday's incident but isn't it common.

'Really,' my brain mocked.

'Only to assure him but I felt bad yet a time happy. But being parents of three kids we should be strong and encourage them but he was angry on Tuhi. Poor my little baby faced his warmth but I support her in this matter. She is like me who fights for her father.

'If her friends talk rubbish about her father who is the topmost musician in the country and running the best music company, MaNan Music World. Then how can she tie her hands and mouth? Just five-year-old kids don't have any rights to talk about him. Obviously, she fought with them like her mother. You tell me what's wrong that poor soul did?' I asked my brain.

'She did the best thing but you know Mahi love Tuhi a lot as she is the first daughter. You remember after seeing her buries he had unshed tears but composed?' It asked.

'Yeah, but fighting for the right thing is not a wrong thing and I always support my kids to fight,' I said.

'The rebel mother,' it said.

I giggled but had unshed tears and caressed my stomach. I'm a happy mother for three kids but after Aria my uterus is weak and I can't have more babies. I still remember when Mahi asked about babies, I beamed at him to have five babies but now it's not possible.

Life is beautiful and I'm lucky to have all the loved ones with me. We got many offers at the time of college days itself and utilized it properly. When I'm twenty-three and he was twenty-four, we started MaNan Music World which gave us success.

Our dream got fulfilled too early but we didn't stop and chased for more dreams.

After a year, we got married but nothing changed in our life. We are the same MaNan who are best friends forever, love each other madly, live for music and we continued to do the concerts, private music albums, and many others. As he promised till the date no one sang his songs except me. A few times, I pestered him to try others but he didn't like anyone and continued with me.

I still remember, when I'm twenty-six, I had Tuhi who looked so small. She cried when I first touched her who is happily smiling in her father arms. Everyone teased me that Tuhi is a Papa's princess but she resembles me in everything. She pampered Sarang though she is two years old when I gave birth to him. She became a big sister to both Sarang who is three years old and Aria who is one and a half year old. We always pampering, love, and give everything to all our kids equally which we learned from our parents. But our parents are spoiling the kids in the form of grandparents love.

Finally, I took off the jewelry and placed them safely. My eyes caught my reflection who is looking a little fat than before. I combed my hair and adjusted the nightgown to look lean but there is of no use.

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