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 Lou's heart raced as she retreated from the massive Lycan. She'd given him an inch and he'd tried to take a mile. The scariest part was that she had been tempted to let him.

She knew Cain wasn't like the other Alphas she knew, no matter what she said. She'd spat the venomous words at him because she couldn't let him know that he confused her. That she didn't know what to do around him.

His pack loved him; they weren't afraid of him, and they trusted him with their well-being. He didn't lead by fear. She didn't know a single Alpha that would accept so many humans and half-bloods into his pack. And not only did he accept them, he treated them no differently from the wolves. He'd made the pups popcorn, a job their mother or father was entirely capable of, and yet he'd done it. She didn't know him at all, but she knew he was different, and that scared her. It meant she didn't know what to expect from him.

Except for when they'd gotten close and he's started to grasp her hand and smelled her hair. That was purely an Alpha male response, and she'd reacted in anger. But instead of indignance in his gaze, he'd been regretful. Every other time she'd shoved a man away from her, they'd gotten angry and even more determined to claim her. Cain on the other hand had backed off immediately. He easily could have overpowered her if he'd desired. He was a foot taller than her and likely a hundred pounds heavier. If he had decided he was going to have her, she wouldn't have been able to do much other than scream. But he hadn't, and he'd let her flee.

She stepped into the living room where the pack was still engrossed in the film. They obviously hadn't heard the commotion in the kitchen, or if they had they weren't acknowledging it. Ryland looked up as she entered, his eyes bright and friendly. Lou felt a little guilt for how she'd treated him earlier, but she knew she couldn't be blamed for it. It was hardly her fault she was wary around large men. She smiled at him and then glanced around the room, wondering where to sit. She wasn't entirely comfortable plopping herself down on the couch with the large warriors, which was the only seat left. Perhaps she could just stand in the back here...

"Hey, Lou, you can have this spot," Ryland hopped up, motioning for her to go sit in the chair.

"Thanks," she said softly, walking over to him and sliding into the leather seat and tucking her legs up beneath her. To her surprise, Ryland didn't go sit with his fellow warriors. Instead, he lowered himself to the ground and leaned back against the chair. He didn't say anything else as they settled in, just shift a little to get more comfortable. Sitting at her feet the way he was felt like his way of including her in the pack, however temporary. Other than a few flirty comments, which were made at a distance and in non-serious manner, Ryland had done nothing to make her think he meant her any ill-will.

So, she settled back and let being surrounded by a pack of wolves and humans distract her from the imposing Alpha who had yet to make an appearance.

"Have you seen this movie?" one of the twins, Blake she thought, asked, looking over his shoulder at her. Lou nodded at him.

"Of course. Iron Man is my favorite," she stated.

"Me too!" Blake exclaimed. "He's awesome."

"Captain America is better," Bryce argued.

"Iron Man could kick his butt."

Lou chuckled. "Well, have you guys seen Captain America: Civil War?"

Their eyes went wide. "No! Are there other Avengers movies too?"

"Well, yeah, two other ones and there's a fourth one coming out," she explained. She shouldn't have been surprised they hadn't seen or heard of the other movies, seeing as how they lived in the middle of Alaska with limited contact with the outside world, but seeing how much they loved this movie she would have thought they'd seen them.

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