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Cain wasn't surprised when Ryland didn't exit the stairs at the second landing with the rest of the pack, choosing to instead follow he and Will up to the third floor. There was no way the pack hadn't heard Lou yelled at him; the kitchen was only a hallway away from the living room, it was hardly sound proof. He was grateful they didn't say anything when they were watching the movie, but he knew he wouldn't get away with them staying quiet about it forever.

He thought about heading directly to his room, a room that was completely off limits and therefore a safe place for him to avoid them, but figured it was better to get this over with now. Cocking an eyebrow he leaned against the wall outside his door and looked at his Beta and warrior.

Will carried a sleeping Henry into their room, put him to bed, and was back in about fifteen seconds. Once he was back, he and Ryland faced him with disappointed looks on their faces.

"So," Ryland began, crossing his muscled arms and leaning back against the wall across from Cain. "What did you do?"

"How do you know I did something?" Cain growled, deciding going on the defensive was the best way to get through this with his pride in tact.

"Because I've known you since we were pups. You're not the most sensitive or perceptive guy, Cain. You can rip another wolf to shreds faster than anyone I know, but dealing with women is lost on you."

Cain rolled his eyes. "I deal with women just fine."

"Sleeping with them and actually talking to them are two different things," Will cut in. "But Ryland, ease up. We just want to know what happened."

Cain sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. "My wolf wants her. Bad."

"Just your wolf?" Ryland smirked.

Cain snarled sharply in warning. "Yes, just my wolf. I don't have time for a problem like her." Although he couldn't help but remember how soft her curves had looked even hidden beneath Ryland's clothes.

"Ryland, seriously," Will warned as he turned back to Cain. "Okay, your wolf wants her. What did he do to make her threaten to castrate you?"

Cain didn't like to acknowledge that he'd lost control, even if it was for only a moment. He was an Alpha, he was supposed to be in total control of his wolf and his instincts. "Our hands touched, and it was like a direct line to him. His will overpowered mine, just for a second, but it was enough for the instincts to take over. I tried to grab her hand while I sniffed her hair. Like some beast."

His Beta and warrior appeared shocked at his admission. "In all the years I've known you, you've never lost control to your wolf. Even when you were a first time shifter," Will said quietly.

"Yeah, it's almost annoying how in-control you always are, how level-headed," Ryland's brown eyes were full of questions, and for once he didn't seem to be taunting Cain. "What do you think it means?"

"I think it means she's going to be a lot of trouble for me," Cain snapped, but then relaxed again. "I feel terrible about it though. She was starting to relax, and we had just had a real conversation then I scared her. She doesn't trust men, unmated men, at all."

"Can you blame her though?" Will said. "Wolves aren't the most civilized creatures. We act on instinct, for the most part. Especially Alphas, since your wolves are so strong. What happened tonight is just an example of that. I'd imagine that Lou has had more run-ins with Alphas and wolves trying to force her into something she doesn't want than any of us can count. I can't imagine living like that, afraid to be alone in a room with someone because they might try to assault you."

Cain's vision turned red for a moment as his wolf snarled at the thought of Lou in any danger, at the thought of any other male laying a hand on her. He closed his eyes at the thought of what Lou had gone through her whole life. As if he needed reminding why she would fit in well here, with a pack that protected those whose lives would otherwise be in danger in the Lycan community.

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